首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics >Prophylactic B-Lynch Suture During Emergency Caesarean Section In Women At High Risk Of Uterine Atony: A Pilot Study

Prophylactic B-Lynch Suture During Emergency Caesarean Section In Women At High Risk Of Uterine Atony: A Pilot Study




A pilot study to evaluate effect of elective B-Lynch suture in preventing atonic PPH was carried out on seven women undergoing emergency (Em) caesarean section (LSCS) with additional risk factors for atony of uterus. Five women were selected before start of LSCS with risk factors like general anaesthesia, chorio-amnionitis, preeclampsia, prolonged labour, second stage arrest, multiple gestation and use of magnesium sulphate. Two women were selected during the caesarean section when uterus remained atonic despite post delivery Oxytocic. Before the closure of uterus B-Lynch suture was applied. Need for additional intervention or use of blood transfusion (BT) was evaluated. None of the women required BT or additional pharmacological or surgical intervention. No intra operative or postoperative or six months follow up complication were noted. In conclusion elective B-Lynch suture is cheap, quick and appeared to be effective in preventing atonic PPH in women undergoing Em LSCS who are at high risk for haemorrhage. Introduction PPH represents a serious obstetric emergency and is a cause of significant maternal mortality and morbidity ranging from minor ailment like fatigue, tiredness, failure to breast feed, need for haematinics to major ailments like blood transfusion , admission to intensive care unit, renal failure, liver failure, adult respiratory distress syndrome and loss of fertility. Many articles have been written and protocols have been made and practised on the management of PPH in obstetric units in the developed countries. Recently focus is concentrated on prevention of PPH. Active management of the third stage by intramuscular or intravenous injection of oxytocic is practiced for a long time. Other prophylactic measures are on trial. Misoprostol a cheap and stable drug has emerged as an alternative drug for management of third stage of labour 1 . Surgical prophylaxis in the form of balloon occlusion or arterial catheterization with or without embolisation to reduce intraoperative blood loss is being tried in cases of placenta previa especially in patients with a previous uterine scar 2 . Need for prophylactic Oxytocic infusion after delivery in presence of risk factors is considered 3 . Elective B-Lynch suture is described during caesarean section in parturient with congenital heart disease, to avoid the need for Oxytocic and to prevent atony of uterus 4 . In this article I have described prophylactic B-Lynch suture in women undergoing emergency caesarean section who have additional high risk factors for atony of uterus.
机译:对7名行急诊(Em)剖宫产(LSCS)并伴有子宫收缩乏力危险因素的女性进行了一项选择性B-Lynch缝合术预防无张力PPH效果的试验研究。在开始LSCS之前,选择了五名妇女,这些妇女的危险因素包括全身麻醉,绒毛膜羊膜炎,先兆子痫,分娩时间长,第二期停搏,多胎妊娠和使用硫酸镁。剖宫产时选择了两名妇女,尽管分娩后催产素使子宫保持无张力。在子宫闭合前应用B-Lynch缝合线。评估是否需要其他干预或使用输血(BT)。没有妇女需要BT或其他药理或手术干预。没有发现术中或术后或六个月的随访并发症。总而言之,选择性B-Lynch缝合线便宜,快速,并且似乎在预防Em LSCS出血风险高的女性中有效预防无瓣膜PPH。简介PPH代表严重的产科急症,是导致孕产妇重大死亡和发病的原因,其范围很广,从轻度疾病如疲劳,疲倦,母乳喂养失败,需要血红素治疗到重大疾病如输血,重症监护病房,肾功能衰竭,肝功能衰竭,成人呼吸窘迫综合征和生育能力丧失。在发达国家的产科单位中,有关PPH的管理已经撰写了许多文章,并已制定并实施了协议。最近,重点是预防PPH。长期通过肌肉内或静脉内注射催产素来积极管理第三阶段。其他预防措施正在试用中。米索前列醇是一种廉价而稳定的药物,已成为管理第三产程的替代药物1。在前置胎盘的情况下,尤其是先前有子宫疤痕的患者中,正在尝试以球囊闭塞或动脉导管插入术的形式进行预防性手术,以减少术中失血,以减少术中失血2。分娩后在存在危险因素的情况下需要预防性输氧3。剖宫产期间先天性心脏病伴产,描述了选择性的B-Lynch缝合线,以避免需要催产素并防止子宫萎缩4。在本文中,我描述了紧急剖腹产妇女的预防性B-Lynch缝合术,这些妇女还有其他的子宫收缩乏力高危因素。



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