首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Pathology >Infiltrating Giant Congenital Cellular Blue Nevus Of Neck Presenting As Melanoma

Infiltrating Giant Congenital Cellular Blue Nevus Of Neck Presenting As Melanoma




Blue nevus is an uncommon pigmented lesion of dermal melanocytes. By convention, two well defined histologic variants, designated as "common" and "cellular", have been recognized. These lesions have attracted much attention due to its confusion with malignant melanoma. We present a case of a giant congenital cellular blue nevus of neck clinically presenting as malignant melanoma and infiltrating vessels and underlying muscles resulting in incomplete removal. It is important to differentiate this lesion from malignant blue nevus and malignant melanoma on the basis of presence or absence of severe nuclear pleomorphism, nucleoli, mitotic activity and necrosis. However, malignant transformation is known to occur in these lesions and the importance of careful follow up is mandatory. This case highlights the difficulty in diagnosing this lesion and emphasizes the need for long term follow up in view of its uncertain malignant potential. Introduction Blue nevi are common lesions which represent arrested melanocytic migration. Histologically, there is presence of pigmented spindle and dendritic melanocytes in a focal area of reticular dermis. Cellular blue nevus is a distinctive variant of blue nevus suspected of being malignant because of its large size and intense pigmentation. These lesions tend to be 1-3 cm in diameter, usually solitary and present as elevated smooth-surfaced gray-blue papules or plaques. They are most commonly seen on buttocks, sacral region, occasionally on dorsal aspect of hands and feet and rarely on head and neck. Blue nevi can develop at any age but are usually noticed in second decade of life or later and are twice as common in women as in men. Although rare, malignant degeneration of cellular blue nevi can occur. Case Report We report a case of an unusually large pigmented tumor present in the neck of a 20yr old man extending from behind the left ear to the left angle of mandible and infiltrating left sternocledomastoid muscle (SCM). The tumor began as a small nodule behind the ear, a few weeks after birth, and gradually increased in size over the years. Patient was otherwise asymptomatic. A diagnosis of fibromatosis was made on the basis of FNAC report from an outside center and surgical removal was planned for cosmetic reasons. Intraoperatively, the tumor and surrounding vessels, muscles and facial nerve were all seen to be pigmented and tumor was seen infiltrating deep into SCM. Complete surgical resection was not possible because of infiltration and encasement of vital structures like facial nerve and carotid artery. A small skin flap was excised along with the tumor and the defect repaired. Postoperative period was uneventful.Histopathological FeaturesMacroscopic examination of specimen submitted for histopathological examination showed a black tumor mass measuring 15x10x5 cm with a small skin flap (Fig 1).
机译:蓝色痣是真皮黑色素细胞的罕见色素病变。按照惯例,已经认识到两种定义明确的组织学变体,分别称为“普通”和“细胞”。这些病变由于其与恶性黑色素瘤的混淆而引起了广泛关注。我们提出一例临床上表现为恶性黑色素瘤,浸润性血管和潜在的肌肉导致未完全清除的巨大的先天性颈部蓝色痣。重要的是要根据是否存在严重的核多态性,核仁,有丝分裂活性和坏死将该病灶与恶性蓝痣和恶性黑色素瘤区分开。但是,已知在这些病灶中会发生恶性转化,必须进行认真的随访。该病例突出了诊断该病灶的难度,并鉴于其潜在的恶性潜能,强调了需要长期随访。简介蓝痣是常见的病变,代表被阻止的黑素细胞迁移。组织学上,在网状真皮的局灶性区域存在有色素的纺锤体和树突状黑素细胞。蜂窝状蓝色痣是蓝色痣的一个独特变体,由于其尺寸大和色素沉着而被怀疑是恶性的。这些病变的直径通常为1-3 cm,通常为单发,并以升高的光滑表面灰蓝色丘疹或斑块存在。它们最常见于臀部,骨区域,偶见于手和脚的背面,很少见于头和颈。蓝痣可以在任何年龄发育,但通常在生命的第二个十年或更晚时才注意到,并且在女性中的发病率是男性的两倍。尽管罕见,但细胞蓝痣可能发生恶性变性。病例报告我们报告了一例在20岁老人的脖子上出现异常大的色素沉着瘤的情况,该瘤从左耳后方延伸至下颌骨的左角并浸润左胸锁乳突肌(SCM)。肿瘤开始于出生后几周,从耳朵后面的小结节开始,并随着年龄的增长逐渐增大。病人没有其他症状。根据外来中心的FNAC报告做出了纤维瘤病的诊断,出于美容原因,计划进行手术切除。术中发现肿瘤及周围血管,肌肉和面神经全部有色素沉着,肿瘤浸润到SCM深处。由于面神经和颈动脉等重要结构的浸润和包裹,无法进行完全的手术切除。切除了一个小皮瓣以及肿瘤,修复了缺损。术后病理检查无异常。病理组织学特征进行组织病理学检查的标本经肉眼检查发现黑色瘤块大小为15x10x5 cm,皮瓣较小(图1)。



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