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Retinal Arterial Tortuosity In Young Indians: A Cross Sectional Study




Background/aims:To assess the retinal arterial tortuosity and the association between tortuosity and certain health indices in healthy young to middle aged Indians.Methods:This cross-sectional study included 80 fundus (right and left eyes) of 40 healthy adults aged 18 to 45 years, (18 M, 22 F; mean age 35.1yrs) who were characterized by determination of retinal arterial tortuosity using a three-level grading scale (straight, wavy, tortuous),after screening for arterial blood pressure and diabetes.Results:Higher grades of tortuosity were common among the study subjects, 20 (25 %) had straight retinal arteries, 24 (30 %) had wavy arteries and 36(45%) had tortuous arteries when reported as the average of right and left eyes because the correspondence between right and left eyes was high. Increasing values of mean arterial blood pressure were associated with decreasing levels of retinal arterial tortuosity even in pre-hypertensive individuals while age, sex and gender did not significantly contribute towards dimorphism.Conclusion:Considerable variations in retinal vasculature in terms of tortuosity can be observed among young healthy subjects. Determinants of disparities in retinal arterial layout are mainly associated with blood pressure levels while age, gender and right vs left laterality do not appear to much affect the wavy patterns of vessels in this study population. Assessment of retinal vascular tortuosity can provide a means of monitoring systemic health to recognize what determines how retinal vessels are laid out early in life, before systemic risk factors and clinical disease have developed. Introduction Considerable variations in retinal vasculature in terms of waviness or tortuosity can be observed in young healthy subjects. Even though there is little evidence to support the prognostic value of a single fundoscopic examination ,incidental observations of remarkable degrees of straightness or tortuosity of retinal blood vessels may be considered as potential signs of morbidity. (Cheung et al.,2011) Decreased retinal arterial tortuosity has frequently been associated with hypertension. (Hayreh et al.,1989) Recent studies have demonstrated that less tortuous retinal arteries are linked with increased risk of death from ischaemic heart disease, independent of systolic blood pressure.( Witt et al.,2006) Few studies have been performed on the normal variation in retinal vessel tortuosity and its association with fitness and well being. The relative contribution of demographic and health indices on retinal vessel tortuosity, and the association between retinal vascular morphology and development of systemic risk factors in healthy adults can serve as a means of monitoring health before clinical disease outcomes Methods Participants The cross-sectional study comprised of 80 Fundus (Right and Left eye) of 40 adults of north Indian origin (18 M, 22 F ; aged 18 to 45 years; mean age 35.1years ) who reported at ophthalmology dept of BHU ,Varanasi, UP, India during the period of June to August, 2012. Systemic exclusion criteria were known diabetes, hypertension or cardiovascular disease. Ophthalmic exclusion criteria included cataract and lens opacities near the optical axis of the eye and other manifest eye diseases. To avoid confounding of undiagnosed diabetes or residual hypertension, all participants underwent screening through an oral glucose tolerance test and Blood Pressure (BP) evaluation using digital monitors. Hypertension was defined as systolic BP >/=140 mmHg or diastolic BP >/=90 mmHg and /or current use of antihypertensive medicine. Individuals with systolic BP 120 Results All eyes included had a visual acuity of at least 0.9. Retinal arterial tortuosity grading demonstrated that 10(25%) subjects had predominantly straight arteries (grade1), 12(30%) had wavy arteries (grade 2), and 18 (45%) had tortuous arteries (grade 3). (Table 1)
机译:背景/目的:评估年轻至中年健康印度人的视网膜动脉曲折以及曲折度与某些健康指数之间的关系。方法:这项横断面研究包括40位18岁至20岁健康成年人的80个眼底(右眼和左眼) 45岁(18 M,22 F;平均年龄35.1岁),其特征是在筛查动脉血压和糖尿病后,使用三级分级量表(直线,波浪,曲折)确定视网膜动脉曲折。当以右眼和左眼的平均值报告时,在研究对象中较高的曲折度是常见的,其中20个(25%)的视网膜直动脉,24个(30%)的波浪形动脉和36个(45%)的曲形动脉是因为左右眼之间的对应度很高。即使在高血压前期个体中,平均动脉压值的升高也与视网膜动脉曲折程度的降低有关,而年龄,性别和性别对双态性的贡献不明显。结论:在曲折性方面,可以观察到视网膜脉管系统的显着变化年轻健康的受试者。视网膜动脉布局差异的决定因素主要与血压水平相关,而年龄,性别和右vs左偏侧性似乎对本研究人群中血管的波动模式影响不大。评估视网膜血管曲折度可以提供一种监测系统健康的方法,以便在系统性危险因素和临床疾病发生之前,确定哪些因素决定了生命早期如何布置视网膜血管。简介在年轻健康受试者中,可以观察到视网膜血管结构的波纹度或曲折度的显着变化。即使很少有证据支持单次眼底镜检查的预后价值,但偶然发现的视网膜血管直度或曲折度也可能被认为是潜在的发病迹象。 (Cheung et al。,2011)视网膜动脉曲折度降低经常与高血压有关。 (Hayreh等人,1989)最近的研究表明,较少的曲折性视网膜动脉与缺血性心脏病死亡风险的增加相关,而与收缩压无关。(Witt等人,2006)。视网膜血管曲折的正常变化及其与健康状况的关系。人口统计学和健康指数对视网膜血管曲折的相对贡献,以及健康成年人中视网膜血管形态与系统性危险因素的发展之间的关联,可作为在临床疾病预后之前监测健康的一种方法。 40例印度北部印度裔成年人(18 M,22 F;年龄18至45岁;平均年龄35.1岁)中的80个眼底(右眼和左眼),报告期间为印度BUP,瓦拉纳西,UP。 2012年6月至2012年8月。系统排除标准是已知的糖尿病,高血压或心血管疾病。眼科排除标准包括眼睛光轴附近的白内障和晶状体混浊以及其他明显的眼部疾病。为避免混淆未诊断的糖尿病或残余高血压,所有参与者均通过口服葡萄糖耐量试验和数字显示器对血压(BP)进行了筛查。高血压定义为收缩压BP> / = 140 mmHg或舒张压BP> / = 90 mmHg和/或当前使用降压药。收缩压BP 120的个体包括所有眼睛的视敏度至少为0.9。视网膜动脉弯曲度分级显示,10(25%)个受试者主要是直动脉(1级),12(30%)个具有波浪状动脉(2级),18(45%)个具有曲折动脉(3级)。 (表格1)



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