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Good News From Saudi Arabia: Successful Separation Of Conjoint Twins




Polish conjoined twins, 14-month-old, were successfully separated on January 3rd and they were safe and sound after a ten-stage operation lasting 15 hours at the King Abdul Aziz Medical City for the National Guard in Riyadh.The surgery commenced as scheduled at 7.30 a.m. when Dr. Mohammed Elgammal Anesthesiologist; anesthetized twin 1 initially followed by twin 2 without any complications. By noon, the surgeons -a 25- member surgical team headed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the hospital, Dr. Abdullah Al-Rabeeah, had successfully completed three phases of the operation by dissecting the intestines, anus and urological system. Separation of the spinal cord which began at 4.30 p.m. took four hours to be completed. The surgery ended 15 minutes ahead of schedule to the loud applause of the twins' mother and the medical team present. The twins were born on Oct. 8, 2003 to a seamstress mother in Poland. They were brought to kingdom of Saudi Arabia after Crown Prince Abdullah agreed to a request by their mother to have separation surgery. This delicate surgery was the ninth of its kind at the hospital. The mother reported to be tense at the commencement of the surgery and a special attendant was present to console her and keep her comfortable throughout the surgical process. She prayed and kissed her children before the doctors got down to their task. Polish pediatrician Dr. Jolanta Jezewska, supported by the diplomatic staff of the Polish Embassy including Ambassador Adam Kulach and his wife Olga Kulach, were kept on tenterhooks till the babies came out of the operation theater. “The day of separation of the twins is the happiest event in my life. I am optimistic of the results of the surgery,” Dabrowska told reporters. The mother get relaxed as the operation progressed without a hitch through its various phases. Prior to the surgery, Dr. Rabeaah indicated to the mother that clinical and neurological examinations showed weakness in the muscles and nerves supplying anal and sphincter, pelvic floor and lower limbs, especially the right leg of twin 1. Dabrowska agreed to proceed with the surgery acknowledging the potential risks.The twins, who arrived in the Kingdom on Dec. 12, 2004, underwent a course of preoperative tests for a fortnight to confirm a safe separation of the babies. The twins were joined at the abdomen, pelvis, buttocks and spine. They shared one anal canal and rectum with adherence of their lower urinary and genital systems. Twin 1 had a complete urinary and genital system whereas twin 2 had a single abnormal kidney with complete remaining urinary and genital system. There was a union of lower aorta (major artery of the abdomen) and vena cava (major vein of the abdomen) and also shared a common lower spinal (I cord) with possible overlap of the nerves supplying the pelvis and lower limbs. On Feb 8th 2005, The Polish community in the Kingdom has honored Dr. Abdullah Al-Rabeeah and his team for the successful operation to separate conjoined twins [2].Polish Ambassador Adam Kulach hosted a special reception at his residence on Wednesday to honor Dr. Rabeeah, executive director of the King Abdul Aziz Medical City for the National Guard. The envoy presented a special memento to Dr. Rabeeah and certificates of appreciation to all the members of his medical team. The function attended by members of the diplomatic corps, the Polish community and high-ranking government officials. US Ambassador James C. Oberwetter and British Ambassador Sherard Cowper-Coles were also present. On behalf of the Poles, the mother of the twins, and her accompanying Polish pediatrician, Dr. Jolanta Jezewska, presented rare paintings to Dr. Rabeeah in appreciation of his contributions to the surgery. Since 1990, nine surgeries for separation of conjoined twins have been performed in the Kingdom. Three pairs of twins were from the Kingdom, two from Sudan and one each from Malaysia, Egypt and the Philippines. The last one was early last year
机译:14月大的波兰连体双胞胎于1月3日成功分离,在利雅得国民警卫队的阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹国王医疗城进行了长达15个小时的十阶段手术后,他们平安无事。上午7.30,Mohammed Elgammal麻醉医师麻醉的双胞胎1最初是双胞胎2,无任何并发症。截至中午,由医院首席执行官Abdullah Al-Rabeeah率领的由25名成员组成的外科手术团队通过解剖肠道,肛门和泌尿系统,成功完成了三个阶段的手术​​。脊髓分离始于下午4.30。花了四个小时才完成。手术比计划提前了15分钟结束,双胞胎的母亲和在场的医疗队大声喝彩。这对双胞胎于2003年10月8日出生于波兰的一位裁缝母亲。在王储阿卜杜拉同意母亲的要求进行分离手术后,他们被带到沙特阿拉伯王国。这项微妙的手术是医院的第九次此类手术。据报道,母亲在手术开始时感到紧张,并有一名特别的服务员在安慰她,使她在整个手术过程中保持舒适。在医生开始他们的任务之前,她祈祷并亲吻了她的孩子们。波兰儿科医生Jolanta Jezewska博士在包括波兰大使馆亚当·库拉赫(Adam Kulach)和他的妻子奥尔加·库拉赫(Olga Kulach)在内的波兰大使馆外交人员的支持下被拉紧拉钩,直到婴儿从手术室出来。 “双胞胎分居的日子是我一生中最快乐的事情。我对手术的结果感到乐观,”达布鲁斯卡告诉记者。随着手术的顺利进行,母亲可以轻松自如地完成各个阶段。手术之前,拉比阿博士向母亲指出,临床和神经系统检查显示,肛门和括约肌,骨盆底和下肢的肌肉和神经无力,尤其是双胞胎1的右腿。达布鲁夫斯卡同意继续进行手术。 2004年12月12日到达王国的双胞胎接受了为期两周的术前测试,以确认婴儿可以安全分开。双胞胎在腹部,骨盆,臀部和脊椎处相连。他们的下泌尿和生殖系统依附于一条肛门管和直肠。双胞胎1具有完整的泌尿生殖器系统,而双胞胎2具有单个异常肾脏,而泌尿生殖器具有完全的剩余。下主动脉(腹部大动脉)和腔静脉(腹部大静脉)并存,并且共有一个共同的下脊髓(I索),并有可能供应骨盆和下肢的神经重叠。 2005年2月8日,王国的波兰人社区对Abdullah Al-Rabeeah博士及其团队成功完成了分离双胞胎的工作表示敬意[2]。波兰大使Adam Kulach星期三在其住所举行了特别招待会,以纪念Dr. Rabeeah,国民警卫队国王阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹医学城执行董事。特使向Rabeeah博士赠送了特别纪念品,并向他的医疗团队的所有成员表示感谢。外交使团成员,波兰社区和高级政府官员参加了该活动。美国大使詹姆斯·C·奥伯维特(James C. Oberwetter)和英国大使谢拉德·考珀·科尔斯(Sherard Cowper-Coles)也出席了会议。双胞胎的母亲代表波兰人,并陪同波兰儿科医生Jolanta Jezewska博士向Rabeeah博士赠送了珍贵的画作,以感谢他对手术的贡献。自1990年以来,沙特王国进行了9次分离连体双胞胎的手术。三对双胞胎来自沙特王国,两对来自苏丹,每对来自马来西亚,埃及和菲律宾。最后一个是去年年初



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