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Letter to the Editor: Reply: Good News From Saudi Arabia: Successful Separation Of Conjoint Twins




It is good of you to show interest in the Polish twin's separation report. It was intended to announce this happy story of compassion and international cooperation creating a better future for these twins. The modern name of this phenomenon is “conjoint twins”. There are many types of conjoint twins and I refer you the following references [2,3,4] There is no similarity between any twins except generally from site of connection let it be the head, the thorax, and the pelvis. There would be also parasitic organs like another head without body or third leg or half a body. That's why most of these conditions would be incompatible with life. Those who reach medical attention are the lucky few. Ethically it would be better to separate these twins so they can lead respectable productive lifes. 'Siamese twins' are like the famous twins Eng and Chang, born in 1811 to a hard-working peasant family. The twins were discovered in 1824 by Robert Hunter, then living on the river in Bangkok. “His eye was caught by a strange object moving through the water,” says one account by the American missionary Dan Beach Bradley. “It was a creature that appeared to have two heads, four arms and four legs, all of which were moving in perfect harmony. As Mr. Hunter watched, the object climbed into a nearby boat, and to his amazement he realized that he had been looking at two small boys who were joined together at the chest”. [5] Hunter saw the commercial possibilities of exhibiting Eng and Chang and eventually persuaded both their mother and the Thai authorities to let them be taken abroad. They left on April 1, 1829 and never returned to their native land Siam.Over the next 45 years, the boys traveled extensively appearing before enthusiastic crowds under various management, including that of the great showman P.T. Barnum. During this time they learned to speak and write English fluently and generally impressed all who met them with their charm and intelligence not to mention the extraordinary coordination with which they performed athletic tricks. Medical studies were made and several proposals were made to sever the thick band of flesh that joined them, but these were never attempted because of the unknown dangers involved.
机译:希望对波兰双胞胎的离婚报告感兴趣。旨在宣布这个充满同情心和国际合作的幸福故事,为这些双胞胎创造更美好的未来。这种现象的现代名称是“连体双胞胎”。共有双胞胎的类型很多,以下参考文献为您提供参考[2,3,4]任何双胞胎之间都没有相似之处,只是通常从连接部位来说,就是头部,胸部和骨盆。还会有寄生器官,如没有身体的另一头或第三条腿或一半的身体。这就是为什么大多数情况与生活不相容的原因。受到医疗救助的人很少。从伦理上讲,最好将这些双胞胎分开,这样他们才能过上可观的生产生活。 “暹罗双胞胎”就像著名的双胞胎Eng和Chang一样,生于1811年一个勤奋的农民家庭。罗伯特·亨特(Robert Hunter)于1824年发现了这对双胞胎,然后住在曼谷的河上。美国传教士丹·比德·布拉德利(Dan Beach Bradley)的一则评论说:“他的眼睛被在水里移动的奇怪物体所吸引。” “这是一个看起来好像有两个头,四个胳膊和四个腿的生物,它们都以完美的和谐运动。亨特先生看着的时候,那物体爬上了附近的一条船,令他惊讶的是,他意识到自己一直在看着两个小男孩,他们在胸前连在一起。 [5]亨特(Hunter)看到了展出英格(Eng)和张(Chang)的商业可能性,并最终说服了他们的母亲和泰国当局将其带到国外。他们于1829年4月1日离开,再也没有回到他们的故乡暹罗。在接下来的45年里,这些男孩广泛地出现在热情洋溢的人群面前,这些人群受到各种各样的管理,包括伟大的表演家P.T.巴纳姆在这段时间里,他们学会了流利的英语说写能力,并给所有与他们见面的人以魅力和智慧打动了他们,更不用说他们表演运动技巧的非凡协调了。进行了医学研究,并提出了一些建议以切断连接它们的厚肉,但是由于涉及未知的危险,因此从未尝试过。



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