首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Health >'IV' or 'Intravenous Catheters'

'IV' or 'Intravenous Catheters'

机译:“ IV”或“静脉导管”



This article explains briefly what the so-called "IV" is and why it is used by your anesthesiologist (the doctor putting you asleep for surgery) or the nurse on the hospital ward. What is an “IV” The “hospital I.V.” stands for intravenous line. Intravenous means “into a vein”. A vein is the type of blood vessels in your body bringing blood towards the heart. Certain kinds of treatments require medications or fluids to be given through a vein. For such treatments an intravenous line needs to be placed. Small plastic tubes called catheters are placed into a vein when an IV is needed. Frequent Reasons For Placing IV Catheters To give fluids To give blood or blood products To give medications which cannot be taken by mouth e.g. pain medication, certain types of antibiotics .etc What Kind Of Equipment Is Needed To Place An “IV”?A rubber band (called tourniquet) is placed around your arm to stop the blood flow and make your veins (blood vessels) appear larger. Alcohol pads are used to clean your skin. A syringe with some numbing medicine (called local anesthetic) with a very tiny needle is used to numb the skin. A small tube (called catheter) is used to get fluids and medicine into your vein. This small catheter is together with a needle which is being used to get the catheter into your vein. Once in your vein, the catheter stays and the needle is removed. A bandage is finally put on your skin to protect the “IV” site. The “IV” is connected to some tubing with an “IV” bag (or several bags).
机译:本文简要解释了所谓的“ IV”是什么,以及麻醉医生(医生让您睡着做手术的原因)或医院病房的护士使用它的原因。什么是“静脉注射”?“医院静脉注射”代表静脉线。静脉是指“进入静脉”。静脉是您体内将血液带入心脏的血管类型。某些种类的治疗需要通过静脉注射药物或输液。对于此类治疗,需要放置静脉输液管。需要静脉注射时,将称为导管的小塑料管插入静脉。放置静脉导管的常见原因输液输血液或血液制品输不能口服的药物,例如止痛药,某些类型的抗生素等。需要什么样的设备才能放置“静脉注射”?在您的手臂周围放置一条橡皮筋(称为止血带)以阻止血液流动,并使您的静脉(血管)显得更大。酒精垫可用来清洁皮肤。带有一些麻木药的注射器(称为局部麻醉药),针头非常细小,可用来使皮肤麻木。使用一根小管(称为导管)将液体和药物注入静脉。这个小导管与一根针一起用于将导管插入您的静脉。进入静脉后,导管将停留并且将针头拔出。最后用绷带包扎皮肤以保护“ IV”部位。 “ IV”通过“ IV”袋(或几个袋)连接到某些管道。



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