首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Pathology >Primary Pure Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma Of The Breast – Case Report Of An Unusual Tumor With A Short Review Of Literature

Primary Pure Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma Of The Breast – Case Report Of An Unusual Tumor With A Short Review Of Literature




Primary signet ring cell carcinoma (SRCC) of the breast are uncommon tumors with unique clinicopathologic features and aggressive nature. Histogenetically this tumor is distinct from both infiltrating ductal and lobular carcinomas. It is characterized by the presence of >20% signet ring cells (SRC). Pure SRCC breast is very rare and diagnosed when >90% of the tumor shows SRC. We report a case of primary pure SRCC breast in a 78 year old post menopausal woman with a short review of literature. Introduction Primary signet ring cell carcinoma (SRCC) of the breast was first described as a pathologically distinct entity in 1976 by Steinbrecher and Silverberg1. Recently, the 2003 World Health Organization (WHO) classification has placed this tumor as an independent entity under ‘mucinous carcinomas and other tumors with abundant mucin’2. Primary SRCC can originate from both invasive lobular and ductal carcinoma, although it usually originates from the lobular epithelium2.SRCC breast is clinically distinct and usually presents as locally advanced tumor with axillary lymph node, distant organ metastases and occasionally with an unusual metastatic pattern involving serosal surfaces of organs such as stomach, duodenum, endometrium, cervix and pelvic floor3. Histologically, SRCC is defined by the presence of at least 20% of the malignant cells appearing as signet ring form in the tumor1,2. Case Report A 78 year old post menopausal woman presented with a history of painless lump in the left breast from 6 years with a gradual increase in size since 3 months. Patient also complained of neck and back pain since 2 months. She gave history of fracture right femur 5 years back. Local examination showed skin discoloration and 2 x2 cm lump in left upper outer quadrant. There was no discharge per nipple or enlarged lymph nodes. Chest X-ray, gastrointestinal endoscopy and ultrasound abdomen were normal. CA-125 was within normal limits.Lumpectomy was done and sent for histopathological examination. Cut section of the lump showed an infiltrating grey white growth measuring 2x 1.5x 1 cms ( Fig. 1).
机译:乳腺原发性印戒细胞癌(SRCC)是罕见的肿瘤,具有独特的临床病理特征和侵袭性。从组织学上讲,该肿瘤不同于浸润性导管癌和小叶癌。其特征在于存在> 20%的印戒细胞(SRC)。纯SRCC乳房非常罕见,当> 90%的肿瘤显示出SRC时,即可被诊断出。我们报告了一位78岁的绝经后女性原发性纯SRCC乳腺病例,并对其文献进行了简短回顾。简介1976年,Steinbrecher和Silverberg1首先将乳腺原发性印戒细胞癌(SRCC)描述为病理上不同的实体。最近,2003年世界卫生组织(WHO)分类将该肿瘤定位为“粘液癌和其他粘蛋白丰富的肿瘤” 2下的独立实体。原发性SRCC可能起源于浸润性小叶癌和导管癌,尽管它通常起源于小叶上皮2。胃,十二指肠,子宫内膜,子宫颈和骨盆底等器官表面3。从组织学上讲,SRCC的定义是在肿瘤中至少有20%的肿瘤细胞以图戒形式出现。病例报告一名78岁的绝经后妇女从6年开始就出现了左乳房无痛性肿块的历史,并且从3个月开始逐渐增大。自2个月以来,患者还抱怨颈部和背部疼痛。她提供了5年前右股骨骨折的病史。局部检查显示皮肤变色,左上象限2 x2 cm肿块。每个乳头或淋巴结肿大均无分泌物。胸部X线检查,胃肠道内窥镜检查和超声腹部检查均正常。 CA-125在正常范围内。行肿块切除术并送去进行组织病理学检查。肿块的切面显示出浸润的灰白色生长,尺寸为2x 1.5x 1 cms(图1)。



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