首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Plastic Surgery >Innervated Gluteus Maximus For Huge Thigh & Groin Defects

Innervated Gluteus Maximus For Huge Thigh & Groin Defects




Gluteus maximus is a bulky muscle with three sources of blood supplying also a skin flap that extends from iliac crest down to the popliteal fossa. The myocutaneous flap has been used long time ago, as an insensate flap, to cover defects in the buttocks.9,10,12 In this study we use this muscle as a sensate flap keeping sensory and motor nerves, to cover major defects in the buttocks and groin. This study included seven cases with different indications. The technique depends upon full mobilization of the muscle based on two main vascular pedicles to maintain adequate vascularity and nerve supply of the transposed flap. Aim Of The Study study demonstrate the importance of keeping sensation and motor function of the gluteus maximus muscle during moving it with the overlying skin to repair large defects around the upper part of the lower limb. Anatomy of Gluteus maximusThe muscle originates from the posterior aspect of dorsal iliac bone, posterior superior iliac crest and posterior inferior aspect of sacrum and coccyx and sacrotuberous ligamentIt is inserted in fascia lata at the iliotibial band and in the gluteal tuberosity on posterior femoral surface. It is innervated by lower gluteal nerve only, formed by L5, S1 and S2 roots and reaching the gluteal region below the pyriform muscle.The muscle is supplied by triple sources of blood, the superior gluteal artery, inferior gluteal artery; and branches of femoral system coming from the cruciate anastomosis around the femur. 19 , 20 , 21 , 36 The muscle is the major extensor of hip joint.
机译:臀大肌是具有三个血液来源的庞大肌肉,还提供了从flap到下flap窝延伸的皮瓣。肌皮瓣作为感觉性皮瓣已经使用很长时间了,可以覆盖臀部的缺陷。9,10,12在本研究中,我们使用这种肌肉作为感觉皮瓣,保持感觉神经和运动神经,覆盖了臀部的主要缺陷。臀部和腹股沟。该研究包括七例不同适应症的病例。该技术取决于基于两个主要血管蒂的肌肉的完全动员,以维持适当的血管和转位瓣的神经供应。研究目的研究表明,在与上覆皮肤一起移动时,保持臀大肌的感觉和运动功能对修复下肢上部周围的大缺陷非常重要。臀大肌的解剖学肌肉起源于背骨的后侧,后上superior以及骨,尾骨和sa小韧带的后下侧。它被插入in筋带的胫骨筋膜和股骨后表面的臀大结节。它仅由下臀神经支配,由L5,S1和S2的根部形成,并到达梨状肌下方的臀区域。股骨系统的分支来自股骨周围的十字形吻合。 19、20、21、36肌肉是髋关节的主要伸肌。



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