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Step-by-Step Sebaceous Cyst Excision:A Pictorial Guide




Excision of a sebaceous cyst is a common procedure carried out in plastic and general surgical departments and in general practice. The cyst should be excised completely in order to avoid recurrence. If the cyst ruptures during the procedure there is an increased infection risk and recurrence rates are higher. Several methods have been employed for excising sebaceous cysts but none guarantee complete excision without rupture 1, 2, 3, 4, and some techniques advocate it 5. We describe in detail a technique which dramatically reduces the occurrence of cyst rupture. Introduction We demonstrate a step-by-step pictorial guide of the method we follow to excise sebaceous cysts. This technique minimizes the probability of cyst rupture due to minimal direct handling of the cyst itself. This method, if carried out correctly, is effective in ensuring that all cyst contents and the cyst wall are removed. Method Step-by-step Guide Palpate the cyst and surrounding area to confirm its exact location and punctum. (Image 1) Draw an ellipse around the punctum over the cyst with a skin marker. The longitudinal direction of the ellipse should be in the direction of the natural skin creases. (Image 2) Infiltrate local anaesthesia using 2% Lignocaine with adrenaline. Clean with anti septic solution. e.g. Betadine / Chlorhexadine. Cover the skin around the site of the cyst with sterile drapes. (Image 3) First incise the skin up to the subcutaneous tissues using a scalpel (Image 4). Then, using blunt and sharp dissection, identify the plane between the cyst and surrounding subcutaneous tissues. (Image 5) Once this plane is identified separate the superficial 25% of the circumference of the cyst with blunt dissection. Now press the normal surrounding skin and soft tissues on both sides gently with the thumbs, first in one direction, then at 90 degrees to the previous direction. (Images 6 & 7) Around 80-90% of the cyst emerges from the incised area. Gently lift up the incised ellipse of skin and attached cyst with forceps, and separate the deep pole of the cyst from underlying tissues using scissors. (Image 8) Ensure haemostasis and close the skin with non absorbable interrupted sutures. e.g. 6/0 Ethilon. (Image 9) Clean the wound with saline solution and dry. Apply steristrips and skin coloured tape. Images
机译:皮脂囊肿的切除是在整形外科和普通外科以及一般实践中执行的常见程序。囊肿应完全切除,以避免复发。如果在手术过程中囊肿破裂,则感染风险增加,复发率更高。已经采用了几种切除皮脂囊肿的方法,但是没有一种方法可以保证完全切除而不会破裂1、2、3、4,有些技术主张采用这种方法。5。我们详细描述了一种可以大大减少囊肿破裂发生的技术。简介我们演示了切除皮脂囊肿的方法的逐步图示指南。由于对囊肿本身的直接处理最少,因此该技术可将囊肿破裂的可能性降至最低。如果正确执行此方法,则可有效确保清除所有囊肿内容物和囊壁。方法分步指南触诊囊肿及其周围区域,以确认其确切位置和泪点。 (图1)用皮肤标记物在囊肿上的泪点周围画一个椭圆。椭圆的纵向应在自然的皮肤折痕方向上。 (图片2)使用2%的Lignocaine和肾上腺素浸润局部麻醉。用消毒液清洁。例如Betadine /氯己定。用无菌盖布覆盖囊肿部位周围的皮肤。 (图3)首先用手术刀将皮肤切至皮下组织(图4)。然后,使用钝器和锐器解剖,确定囊肿与周围皮下组织之间的平面。 (图5)一旦确定了这个平面,就用钝性解剖分离出囊肿表面的25%表面。现在,用拇指轻轻按压两侧正常的周围皮肤和软组织,首先沿一个方向,然后与前一个方向成90度角。 (图6和7)大约80-90%的囊肿从切开区域露出。用镊子轻轻提起切开的皮肤椭圆形和附着的囊肿,并用剪刀将囊肿的深部撑杆从下面的组织中分离出来。 (图8)确保止血并用不可吸收的间断缝合线闭合皮肤。例如6/0埃西隆。 (图9)用盐溶液清洁伤口并干燥。涂上灭菌带和肤色胶带。图片



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