首页> 外文期刊>The Cryosphere Discussions >Ice genesis and its long-term mass balance and dynamics in Sc??ri??oara Ice Cave, Romania

Ice genesis and its long-term mass balance and dynamics in Sc??ri??oara Ice Cave, Romania

机译:罗马尼亚Sc ?? ri ?? oara冰洞中的冰成因及其长期质量平衡和动力学



The paleoclimatic significance of the perennial ice deposit in Sc??ri??oara Ice Cave has been remarked on since the early 20th century, but a lack of understanding of the processes involved in the genesis, age and long-term dynamics and volume fluctuations of ice hampered all attempts to extract valuable data on past climate and vegetation changes. In this paper, we present a model of ice genesis and dynamics, based on stable isotopes, ice level monitoring (modern and archived) and radiocarbon dating of organic matter found in the ice. Ice in this cave mostly consists of layers of lake ice, produced as liquid water freezes from top to bottom in mid-autumn, and floor ice, produced as inflow water in winter freezes on top of the lake ice. This mechanism was also acting in the past, during the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age. The ice block is not stable in shape and volume, being continuously modified by ablation on top and sides, basal melting and lateral flow. Radiocarbon dating shows that the ice block is older than 1000 years, but ice flow and differential basal melting suggesting that the ice could be much older.
机译:自20世纪初以来,人们就已经注意到Sc?ri ?? oara冰洞中多年生冰沉积物的古气候意义,但是对成因,年龄,长期动态和体积波动所涉及的过程缺乏了解。冰层阻碍了所有试图提取有关过去气候和植被变化的有价值数据的尝试。在本文中,我们基于稳定同位素,冰位监测(现代和归档)和冰中发现的有机物的放射性碳定年,提出了一种冰的发生和动力学模型。该洞穴中的冰主要由湖冰层组成,这是由于液态水在中秋从上到下冻结而产生的,而底冰则是在冬天流入水冻结在湖冰的顶部时产生的。这种机制在中世纪温暖时期和小冰河时代也曾发挥作用。冰块的形状和体积不稳定,会因顶部和侧面的烧蚀,基础融化和侧向流动而不断发生变化。放射性碳测年表明,冰块的年龄超过了1000年,但冰流和基础融化的差异表明冰块的年龄可能要大得多。



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