首页> 外文期刊>Psychiatry Journal >Dimensions of Attitudes towards the Mentally Ill in the General Population Stability and Change over Time at Urban and Rural Sites

Dimensions of Attitudes towards the Mentally Ill in the General Population Stability and Change over Time at Urban and Rural Sites




Items measuring attitudes toward the mentally ill can be limited in relevance to a particular period or place. The main objective of the study was to provide evidence toward a questionnaire that was short and psychometrically stable over time and geography, and that could be used within comprehensive mental health surveys of general populations. Four rural samples, Lofoten 1983 (n=470), 1990 (n=947), 2000 (n=864), and Valdres 2010 (n=772), and two urban samples, Oslo 1990 (n=948) and 2000 (n=467), were used to test this. The questionnaire was self-administered with fixed questions and response alternatives. Using the three Lofoten and the two Oslo samples, the stability of the factor analytic structure of 19 attitude items was established. In all analyses, there was a clear leveling off after three factors. The 13 highest loading items on these three factors were used in a new rural region, Valdres, in 2010. The three established factors/dimensions, named Distance, Demands, and Positive, seemed to be reasonably stable within a variety of Norwegian samples. On the other hand, the analyses were different enough to recommend researchers and politicians to be careful when comparing absolute levels of the suggested indexes across different locations and at different points in time.
机译:可以根据特定时期或地点来限制衡量对精神病患者态度的项目。这项研究的主要目的是为调查表提供证据,该调查表在时间和地域上既简短又在心理上是稳定的,并且可以在对普通人群进行全面的心理健康调查中使用。四个农村样本,分别是Lofoten 1983(n = 470),1990(n = 947),2000(n = 864)和Valdres 2010(n = 772),还有两个城市样本是Oslo 1990(n = 948)和2000( n = 467),以对此进行测试。问卷是自我管理的,有固定的问题和替代答案。使用三个Lofoten和两个Oslo样本,建立了19个态度项目的因子分析结构的稳定性。在所有分析中,三个因素后均出现明显的平稳。这三个因素中的13个最高负荷项目在2010年的新农村地区Valdres中使用。三个确定的因素/维度(距离,需求和正数)在各种挪威样本中似乎都相当稳定。另一方面,分析的差异足以建议研究人员和政客在比较不同位置和不同时间点的建议指标的绝对水平时要格外小心。



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