首页> 外文期刊>Psikiyatride Guncel Yaklasimlar: Current Approaches in Psychiatry >Obezitede ?e?itli Risk Fakt?rleri ve Dürtüsellik [Risk Factors and Impulsivity in Obesity]

Obezitede ?e?itli Risk Fakt?rleri ve Dürtüsellik [Risk Factors and Impulsivity in Obesity]

机译:Obezitede?e?itli Risk Fakt?rleri veDürtüsellik[肥胖的风险因素和冲动性]



In addition to genetic tendency, social, cultural, emotional and diet-related factors play important role in the development of obesity. Impulsivity is the possible predictor of relapse in obesity treatment. Impulsivity is also considered as a predicting factor among patients who quit the treatment. Research has shown that obese people are more impulsive than other people. Impulsive features are especially found to be higher with those who have binge eating disorder. Impulsive people appears to have no control over their behaviors on eating and they have more interest towards food with higher calories. Another issue that strengthens the assocaition between obesity and impulsivity is the obesity in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Dopaminergic deficiency in the reward centre of the brain can be a common pathway for both attention deficit and obesity. Several approaches have been searched and put forward to sustain the patients’ lost weights after diet. Specific cognitive behavioral approaches developed for the treatment of impulsive behavior could contribute much into obesity treatment . Obesity is a chronic disease that requires long term treatment and follow up.



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