
?zk?y?m ve Ki?ilik Suicide and Personality

机译:zk?y?m ve Ki?ilik自杀与人格



Many factors may play role in the emergence of suicidal behavior. Familial tendency including some features of personality structure, hopelessness, affective disorder, and suicide behavior have attracted close attention recently. Personality disorders seem to be prevalent in individuals who attempt suicide. Beside it has been reported that personality disorders and other psychiatric disorder comorbidity increase the risk of suicide. To present the relationship between suicide and personality is quite important for developing strategies in order to prevent suicide attempt. In this field, the data show variability based on scales used for the evaluation of personality, its definition and classification in the research. For example, while some authors used DSM criteria or ICD criteria, others preferred to focus on the temperament and character dimensions of personality. In studies based on diagnostic criteria; B group personality disorders, such as antisocial and borderline personality disorders were found to be most common comorbid personality disorder diagnosis. In studies aiming to investigate the relationship among suicide attempt, temperament and character features, the suicide attempters were found to have lower levels of self directedness, cooperativeness, and higher scores for self transcendence. Suicidal patients were inclined to have higher scores in several temperament groups like harm avoidance, novelty seeking, and reward dependence. Tendency to impulsive behavior is reported as a common denominator for suicidal patients. Individuals, who have familial or acquired tendency of impulsivity, could react more dramatically and present with depressive and pessimistic mood when they have difficulties and encounter stress factors in their daily routine and could easily develop depressive disorders. These factors as a whole could lead to self destructive actions like suicide. Individual or familial history of suicide attempts or completed suicide are important clues as to presence of suicidality. Several studies have been conducted on the relationship between suicide attempts and personality features. However, there is not sufficient number of studies conducted on the completed suicide victims. The only methodology that could be used among this group of patients is psychological autopsy which is quite hard to implement because of inherent methodological problems. These factors prevent accumulation of sufficient data on the relationships between completed suicide and personality. However, we should evaluate suicidal behavior comprehensively in order to treat and to prevent its occurrence. Personality features are important in choosing the method of treatment, for social arrangements, and predicting possible new attempts. Our knowledge, about relationship between personality and suicide, will reach a better level by accelerating studies on completed suicide, and investigating suicide, personality, temperament, character relationship more thoroughly.
机译:许多因素可能会导致自杀行为的发生。家族倾向包括人格结构,绝望,情感障碍和自杀行为的某些特征最近引起了人们的密切关注。人格障碍在企图自杀的人中似乎很普遍。此外,据报道,人格障碍和其他精神疾病合并症会增加自杀的风险。提出自杀与人格之间的关系对于制定预防自杀企图的策略非常重要。在该领域,数据显示出基于用于评估人格,其定义和分类的量表的可变性。例如,虽然有些作者使用DSM准则或ICD准则,但另一些作者则更倾向于关注个性的性格和性格维度。在基于诊断标准的研究中; B组人格障碍,例如反社会和边缘人格障碍,是最常见的合并症人格障碍诊断。在旨在调查自杀未遂,性情和性格特征之间关系的研究中,自杀未遂者的自我指导,合作能力较低,自我超越得分更高。自杀患者倾向于在几种气质类别中获得更高的分数,例如避免伤害,寻求新奇和奖励依赖。据报道,有冲动行为倾向是自杀患者的共同点。具有家族性或后天性冲动倾向的个体,在日常生活中遇到困难和压力因素时,可能会更加剧烈地反应并表现出抑郁和悲观的情绪,并容易发展为抑郁症。这些因素总体上可能导致自杀等自我毁灭行为。自杀未遂或完全自杀的个人或家族史是有关自杀倾向的重要线索。关于自杀未遂与人格特征之间关系的一些研究已经进行。但是,对已完成自杀的受害者进行的研究数量不足。在这组患者中唯一可以使用的方法是心理尸检,由于固有的方法学问题,这种方法很难实施。这些因素阻止了有关自杀和人格之间关系的足够数据的积累。但是,我们应该综合评估自杀行为,以治疗和预防自杀行为的发生。人格特征对于选择治疗方法,进行社会安排以及预测可能的新尝试非常重要。通过加快完成自杀的研究,并更彻底地调查自杀,人格,性情,性格关系,我们对人格与自杀之间关系的了解将达到更好的水平。



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