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Calculating Set-Volume for the Limb Muscles with the Performance of Multi-Joint Exercises: Implications for Resistance Training Prescription




Resistance training volume, determined by the number of sets performed (set-volume) is considered one of the key variables in promoting muscle hypertrophy. To better guide resistance exercise prescription for weekly per-muscle training volume, the purpose of this paper is to provide evidence-based considerations for set-volume ratios between multi-joint (MJ) and single-joint (SJ) exercises so that practitioners can better manage prescription of training volume in program design. We analyzed this topic from three primary areas of focus: (1) biomechanical and physiological factors; (2) acute research; and (3) longitudinal research. From a biomechanical and physiological standpoint, when considering force production of different muscle groups, the moment arm of a given muscle, “motor abundance”, the link between biomechanics and exercise-induced fatigue, as well as the amount of time in voluntary muscle activation, a logical rationale can be made for SJ exercises producing greater hypertrophy of the limb muscles than MJ exercises (at least from specific exercises and under certain conditions). This would mean that sets for a MJ exercise should be counted fractionally for select muscles compared to an SJ exercise (i.e., less than a 1:1 ratio) when prescribing set-volumes for given muscles. When considering results from acute studies that measured muscle activation during the performance of SJ and MJ exercises, it seems that MJ exercises are not sufficient to maximize muscle activation of specific muscles. For example, during performance of the leg press and squat, muscle activation of the hamstrings is markedly lower than that of the quadriceps. These results suggest that a 1:1 ratio cannot be assumed. Current longitudinal research comparing the effects of training with MJ vs. SJ or MJ + SJ exercises is limited to the elbow flexors and the evidence is somewhat conflicting. Until more research is conducted to derive stronger conclusions on the topic, we propose the best advice would be to view set-volume prescription on a 1:1 basis, and then use logical rationale and personal expertise to make determinations on program design. Future research should focus on investigating longitudinal hypertrophic changes between MJ and SJ in a variety of populations, particularly resistance-trained individuals, while using site-specific measures of muscle growth to more systematically and precisely compute effective individualized set-volumes.
机译:由执行的套数(套数)确定的阻力训练量被认为是促进肌肉肥大的关键变量之一。为了更好地指导每周肌肉训练量的阻力运动处方,本文的目的是为多关节(MJ)和单关节(SJ)锻炼之间的设定体积比提供循证考虑,以便从业者可以在程序设计中更好地管理培训量的规定。我们从三个主要领域分析了这一主题:(1)生物力学和生理因素; (2)敏锐的研究; (3)纵向研究。从生物力学和生理学的角度来看,考虑到不同肌肉群的力量产生,给定肌肉的力矩臂,“运动丰度”,生物力学与运动诱发的疲劳之间的联系以及自愿性肌肉激活的时间量对于SJ锻炼比MJ锻炼产生更大的肢体肥大,可以做出合理的逻辑解释(至少在特定的锻炼和某些条件下)。这意味着,在指定给定肌肉的固定体积时,与SJ锻炼相比(即,小于1:1的比例),对于选定的肌肉,应对MJ锻炼的集合进行分数计数。当考虑在SJ和MJ锻炼过程中测量肌肉激活的急性研究结果时,似乎MJ锻炼不足以最大化特定肌肉的肌肉激活。例如,在下腿和深蹲的过程中,绳肌的肌肉活动明显低于股四头肌。这些结果表明不能假定为1:1的比例。当前比较MJ与SJ或MJ + SJ锻炼的效果的纵向研究仅限于肘屈肌,证据有些矛盾。在进行更多研究以得出关于该主题的更强结论之前,我们建议最好的建议是按1:1的比例查看处方量处方,然后使用逻辑原理和个人专业知识来确定程序设计。未来的研究应侧重于研究MJ和SJ在各种人群中的纵向肥大性改变,尤其是接受抗性训练的人群,同时使用针对肌肉生长的特定部位测量来更系统地和精确地计算有效的个体化设定量。



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