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SMARTer for magnetic structure studies




SMARTer, a 36-meter small angle neutron scattering (SANS) spectrometer was installed at the Neutron Scattering Laboratory (NSL), National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia a€“ BATAN in Serpong, Indonesia and has performed the experiment for studying the magnetic structures of Cu(NiFe), CuCo and FeSiBNbCu metal alloys. The experiments were conducted at room temperature and up to 1 T (10 kOe) of external magnetic field. At zero fields, isotropic scattering identified as nuclear scattering is dominant. When a magnetic field is applied in a horizontal direction perpendicular to the neutron beam, the response of the magnetic scattering permits extraction of the field-induced re-arrangement of the magnetic moment. With increasing field the distortion is more pronounced and the magnetic scattering dominates the intensity and affects the peak position. Radial and angular averaging from experimental data are given to show the details of magnetic structures.
机译:SMARTer是一台36米的小角度中子散射(SANS)光谱仪,安装在印度尼西亚国家核能局中子散射实验室(NSL)和印度尼西亚Serpong的BATAN中,并已进行了研究Cu(NiFe),CuCo和FeSiBNbCu金属合金。实验在室温和高达1 T(10 kOe)的外部磁场下进行。在零场处,被识别为核散射的各向同性散射占主导。当在垂直于中子束的水平方向施加磁场时,磁散射的响应允许提取磁场引起的磁矩重排。随着场的增加,畸变更加明显,磁散射控制强度并影响峰位置。从实验数据得出的径向和角度平均结果显示了磁性结构的细节。



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