首页> 外文期刊>Physics letters >Probing new physics with underground accelerators and radioactive sources

Probing new physics with underground accelerators and radioactive sources




New light, weakly coupled particles can be efficiently produced at existing and future high-intensity accelerators and radioactive sources in deep underground laboratories. Once produced, these particles can scatter or decay in large neutrino detectors (e.g. Super-K and Borexino) housed in the same facilities. We discuss the production of weakly coupled scalars ? via nuclear de-excitation of an excited element into the ground state in two viable concrete reactions: the decay of the 0 + excited state of 16 O populated via a ( p , α ) reaction on fluorine and from radioactive 144 Ce decay where the scalar is produced in the de-excitation of 144 Nd ? , which occurs along the decay chain. Subsequent scattering on electrons, e ( ? , γ ) e , yields a mono-energetic signal that is observable in neutrino detectors. We show that this proposed experimental setup can cover new territory for masses 250 keV ≤ m ? ≤ 2 m e and couplings to protons and electrons, 10 ? 11 ≤ g e g p ≤ 10 ? 7 . This parameter space is motivated by explanations of the “proton charge radius puzzle”, thus this strategy adds a viable new physics component to the neutrino and nuclear astrophysics programs at underground facilities.
机译:在地下实验室的现有和未来的高强度加速器和放射源中,可以有效地产生新的,弱耦合的新粒子。这些粒子一旦产生,便会在安装在同一设施中的大型中微子探测器(例如Super-K和Borexino)中散射或衰减。我们讨论弱耦合标量的产生吗?通过在两个可行的混凝土反应中将受激元素进行核去激变成基态:通过氟上的(p,α)反应填充的16 O的0 +激发态的衰变和放射性144 Ce的衰变(标量)是在144 Nd的去激励下产生的? ,它沿着衰变链发生。随后在电子e(?,γ)e上的散射产生单能量信号,该信号在中微子探测器中可观察到。我们表明,该提议的实验装置可以覆盖质量为250 keV≤m?的新区域。 ≤2 m e且与质子和电子的耦合为10? 11≤g e g p≤10? 7。该参数空间是由“质子电荷半径难题”的解释所激发的,因此,该策略为地下设施的中微子和核天体物理学计划增加了一个可行的新物理成分。



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