首页> 外文期刊>Physiological Reports >Respiratory mechanics and cerebral blood flow during heat‐induced hyperventilation and its voluntary suppression in passively heated humans

Respiratory mechanics and cerebral blood flow during heat‐induced hyperventilation and its voluntary suppression in passively heated humans




We investigated whether heat‐induced hyperventilation can be voluntarily prevented, and, if so, how this modulates respiratory mechanics and cerebral blood flow in resting heated humans. In two separate trials, 10 healthy men were passively heated using lower body hot‐water immersion and a water‐perfused garment covering their upper body (both 41°C) until esophageal temperature ( T es ) reached 39°C or volitional termination. In each trial, participants breathed normally (normal‐breathing) or voluntarily controlled minute ventilation ( V E ) at a level equivalent to that observed after 5?min of heating (controlled‐breathing). Respiratory gases, middle cerebral artery blood velocity (MCAV), work of breathing, and end‐expiratory and inspiratory lung volumes were measured. During normal‐breathing, V E increased as T es rose above 38.0?±?0.3°C, whereas controlled‐breathing diminished the increase in V E ( V E at T es ?=?38.6°C: 25.6?±?5.9 and 11.9?±?1.3?L?min ?1 during normal‐ and controlled‐breathing, respectively, P? ? 0.001). During normal‐breathing, end‐tidal CO 2 pressure and MCAV decreased with rising T es , but controlled‐breathing diminished these reductions (at T es ?=?38.6°C, 24.7?±?5.0 vs. 39.5?±?2.8?mmHg; 44.9?±?5.9 vs. 60.2?±?6.3?cm?sec ?1 , both P? ? 0.001). The work of breathing correlated positively with changes in V E ( P? ? 0.001) and was lower during controlled‐ than normal‐breathing (16.1?±?12.6 and 59.4?±?49.5?J?min ?1 , respectively, at heating termination, P? =?0.013). End‐expiratory and inspiratory lung volumes did not differ between trials ( P? =?0.25 and 0.71, respectively). These results suggest that during passive heating at rest, heat‐induced hyperventilation increases the work of breathing without affecting end‐expiratory lung volume, and that voluntary control of breathing can nearly abolish this hyperventilation, thereby diminishing hypocapnia, cerebral hypoperfusion, and increased work of breathing.
机译:我们调查了是否可以自愿预防热诱导的过度换气,如果可以,则如何调节静息加热的人类的呼吸力学和脑血流量。在两项独立的试验中,使用下半身热水浸泡和覆盖其上半身的水灌注衣服(均为41°C)对10名健康男性进行被动加热,直到食道温度(T es)达到39°C或自愿终止。在每项试验中,参与者正常呼吸(正常呼吸)或自愿控制的分钟通气量(V E)等于在加热5分钟后观察到的水平(受控呼吸)。测量呼吸气体,大脑中动脉血流速度(MCAV),呼吸功以及呼气末和吸气肺容积。在正常呼吸过程中,VE随T es升高至高于38.0?±?0.3°C而增加,而受控呼吸则减少了VE的增加(在T es?=?38.6°C时VE:25.6?±?5.9和11.9?±在正常呼吸和受控呼吸期间,?1.3?L?min?1分别为P?<?0.001)。在正常呼吸过程中,潮气末CO 2压力和MCAV随着T es的升高而降低,但有控制的呼吸减少了这些降低(在T es == 38.6°C时,为24.7?±?5.0,而39.5?±?2.8?毫米汞柱; 44.9±±5.9与60.2±±6.3?cm?sec?1,均P 0.001)。呼吸功与VE的变化呈正相关(P <0.001),在受控呼吸时低于正常呼吸(加热时分别为16.1±±12.6和59.4±±49.5±J?min≤1)。端接,P 1 = 0.013)。两次试验之间的呼气末和吸气肺容积无差异(分别为P?=?0.25和0.71)。这些结果表明,在休息时被动加热时,热诱导的过度换气会增加呼吸功,而不会影响呼气末肺容积,并且自愿控制呼吸几乎可以消除这种过度换气,从而减少低碳酸血症,脑灌注不足和增加呼吸功能。呼吸。



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