首页> 外文期刊>Pharmaceutical Biology >An evaluation of the anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects of hydroethanol leaf extract of Albizia zygia in animal models

An evaluation of the anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects of hydroethanol leaf extract of Albizia zygia in animal models




Abstract Context: The leaves of Albizia zygia (DC.) J.F. Macbr. (Leguminosae-Mimosoideae) are used in Ghanaian traditional medicine for the treatment of pain, inflammatory disorders and fever (including malaria). Objectives: The present study evaluated the anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects of the hydroethanol leaf extract of Albizia zygia (AZE) in animal models. Materials and methods: The anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects of AZE were examined in the carrageenan-induced foot oedema model and the baker’s yeast-induced pyrexia test respectively. The analgesic effect and possible mechanisms of action were also assessed in the formalin test. Results: AZE (30–300?mg/kg, p.o.), either preemptively or curatively, significantly inhibited carrageenan-induced foot edema in 7-day-old chicks (ED50 values; preemptive: 232.9?±?53.33?mg/kg; curative: 539.2?±?138.28?mg/kg). Similarly, the NSAID diclofenac (10–100?mg/kg, i.p.) significantly reduced the oedema in both preemptive (ED50: 21.16?±?4.07?mg/kg) and curative (ED50: 44.28?±?5.75?mg/kg) treatments. The extract (30–300?mg/kg, p.o.) as well as paracetamol (150?mg/kg, p.o.) also showed significant antipyretic activity in the baker’s yeast-induced pyrexia test (ED50 of AZE: 282.5?±?96.55?mg/kg). AZE and morphine (1–10?mg/kg, i.p.; positive control), exhibited significant analgesic activity in the formalin test. The analgesic effect was partly or wholly reversed by the systemic administration of naloxone, theophylline and atropine. Conclusion: The results suggest that AZE possesses anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic properties, which justifies its traditional use. Also, the results show the involvement of the opioidergic, adenosinergic and the muscarinic cholinergic pathways in the analgesic effects of AZE.
机译:摘要背景:biz木(DC)J.F. Macbr。 (Leguminosae-Mimosoideae)在加纳传统医学中用于治疗疼痛,炎性疾病和发烧(包括疟疾)。目的:本研究评估了Albizia zygia(AZE)的氢乙醇叶提取物在动物模型中的抗炎,解热和镇痛作用。材料和方法:分别在角叉菜胶诱发的足部水肿模型和面包酵母引起的发热试验中检查了AZE的抗炎和解热作用。在福尔马林试验中还评估了镇痛作用和可能的作用机理。结果:先发性或治愈性AZE(30-300?mg / kg,口服)可显着抑制角叉菜胶诱发的7天大雏鸡的足部水肿(ED 50 值;先发性:232.9? ±?53.33?mg / kg;治愈:539.2?±?138.28?mg / kg)。同样,NSAID双氯芬酸(10–100?mg / kg,腹膜内)在先发性(ED 50 :21.16?±?4.07?mg / kg)和治疗性(ED 50 :44.28?±?5.75?mg / kg)处理。提取物(30-300?mg / kg,口服)和扑热息痛(150?mg / kg,口服)在面包师酵母诱导的发热试验(ED 50 AZE:282.5±±96.55μmg/ kg)。 AZE和吗啡(1-10 mg / kg,腹腔注射;阳性对照)在福尔马林试验中显示出明显的镇痛活性。通过纳洛酮,茶碱和阿托品的全身性给药,其止痛作用被部分或全部逆转。结论:结果表明,AZE具有抗炎,解热和镇痛作用,证明了其传统用途。而且,结果表明,阿魏,腺苷和毒蕈碱胆碱能途径参与了AZE的镇痛作用。



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