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Computed tomographic features of the feline brain change with advancing age?




A better understanding of normal or expected encephalic changes with increasing age in cats is needed as a growing number of these animals is attended in veterinary clinics, and imaging data referring to normal age-associated changes are extremely scarce in the literature. The objective of this study was to identify age-related changes in feline brain using CT imaging. Fifteen non-brachycephalic healthy cats with age between 1 to 6 years (adult group) and others over 12 years (geriatric group) were submitted to CT scan of the brain. Statistically significant differences were found between the groups for the ability to identify the left lateral ventricle and for falx cerebri calcification, both identified in a greater number of cats of the geriatric group. A significantly higher mean width of the third ventricle was also detected in geriatric animals. There were no statistically significant differences between lateral ventricular dimensions and encephalic parenchymal attenuation on pre and post-contrast CT phases. The results of the present study show an increase in the incidence of falx cerebri calcification and a third ventricular dilatation with advancing age in cats. Future researches using MRI scanners and a greater quantity of cats are needed in order to identify supplementary age-related changes.
机译:随着越来越多的动物进入兽医诊所,需要对猫随着年龄增长而正常或预期的脑部变化有更好的了解,而在文献中极少提及与正常年龄相关的变化的影像数据。这项研究的目的是使用CT成像识别与年龄相关的猫脑变化。 15只年龄在1至6岁之间(成年组)和其他12岁以上(老年组)的非短脑健康猫接受了脑部CT扫描。两组之间在识别左心室和大脑小脑钙化的能力上在统计学上存在显着差异,这两者均在老年组的猫中得到了确认。在老年动物中,第三脑室的平均宽度也明显更高。对比CT前后,侧脑室尺寸和脑实质衰减之间无统计学差异。本研究的结果表明,随着年龄的增长,猫的大脑钙化和第三次心室扩张的发生率增加。为了识别与年龄有关的补充变化,需要使用MRI扫描仪和大量猫进行进一步的研究。



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