首页> 外文期刊>Parasites Vectors >Impact of vegetable crop agriculture on anopheline agressivity and malaria transmission in urban and less urbanized settings of the South region of Cameroon

Impact of vegetable crop agriculture on anopheline agressivity and malaria transmission in urban and less urbanized settings of the South region of Cameroon




Background The use of inland valley swamps for vegetable crop agriculture contributes to food security in urban and less urbanized settings in Africa. The impact of this agriculture on aggressive mosquitoes’ diversity and malaria transmission in central Africa is poorly documented. This study is aimed at assessing the impact of vegetable crop agriculture on these entomological parameters in urban and less urbanized settings of the forest area, south of Cameroon. Methods The human bait technique was used for the capture of aggressive mosquitoes from January to December 2012. For three consecutive days each month, captures were performed on volunteers in hydro-agricultural and river bank sites of Akonolinga and Yaoundé. Physico-chemical characteristics of mosquito breeding sites were recorded. Molecular alongside morpho-taxonomic techniques were used for the identification of mosquito species; ELISA test was used to reveal Plasmodium falciparum infected mosquitoes through the detection of CSP. Mosquito diversity, aggressivity and malaria transmission in sites and settings were determined and compared. Results Biting rates were higher in hydro-agricultural sites of less urbanized and urban settings (31.8 b/p and 28.6 b/p respectively) than in river banks sites (6.83 b/p and 3.64 b/p respectively; p?
机译:背景技术将内陆山谷沼泽地用于蔬菜作物农业有助于非洲城市化和城市化程度较低的地区的粮食安全。这种农业对中部非洲侵略性蚊子多样性和疟疾传播的影响鲜有记载。这项研究旨在评估喀麦隆南部城市地区和城市化程度较低的城市中蔬菜作物农业对这些昆虫学参数的影响。方法2012年1月至2012年12月,采用人类诱饵技术捕获攻击性蚊子。每月在Akonolinga和Yaoundé的水力农业和河岸站点对志愿者进行连续三天的捕获。记录蚊子繁殖地点的理化特性。分子形态学分类技术被用来鉴定蚊子。 ELISA试验用于通过检测CSP来揭示恶性疟原虫感染的蚊子。确定并比较了蚊虫多样性,侵略性和疟疾在场所和环境中的传播。结果城市化程度较低的城市和城市环境中的水力农业站点的咬合率较高(分别为31.8 b / p / n和28.6 b / p / n),比河岸站点的咬合率更高(6.83 b / p / n和3.64 b / p /分别为n;p≤<0.0001)。繁殖地点的理化参数没有根本不同。确定了5种按蚊种;一个。冈比亚funestus s.s.,An。 Moucheti s.s.,An。汉考克和安。尼利公司在水力农业站点中,在城市环境中捕获了2种,而在城市化程度较低的环境中捕获了4种,而在河岸站点中,在城市环境捕获的物种有3种,而在城市化程度较低的环境中捕获了4种。一个。尼利公司仅在河岸被发现。一个。未发现汉考克可确保恶性疟原虫的Welch传播。水力农业站点的EIR从1.86 ib / p / n(城市地区)到2.13 ib / p / n(城市化地区较少),在4月,5月和8月的比率更高。总体而言,城市化程度较低的地区的EIR较高(p 0.0001),但通过蔬菜作物农业的实践,该差异被消除了(p <= 0.2)。结论这些结果强调了采取具体预防措施的必要性,要考虑到与水农业土地上的蔬菜作物农业有关的生态特点,以保护居民免受疟疾的侵害。



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