Since 1970, there has been a dramatic increase in the use of full depth precast and precast, prestressed concrete deck panels for the rehabilitation and new construction of bridges. In o'/> Full Depth Precast and Precast, Prestressed Concrete Bridge Deck Panels
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Full Depth Precast and Precast, Prestressed Concrete Bridge Deck Panels




align="left">Since 1970, there has been a dramatic increase in the use of full depth precast and precast, prestressed concrete deck panels for the rehabilitation and new construction of bridges. In order to document the? various applications of bridge deck panels in North America, a questionnaire survey was sent to the departments of transportation (DOTs) of individual states and one province. Requested? information in the survey included type of construction, deck dimensions, deck supporting system, panel dimensions and reinforcement, type of connecting system between panels and supporting system,? type of joint between the adjacent panels, type of bonding material used to fill the joints, problems associated with the joints, reasons for adverse results, and type of protection system. The returned questionnaires were compiled and analyzed. This paper summarizes the significant results of this survey.?
机译:align =“ left”>自1970年以来,用于修复和新建桥梁的全深度预制和预制,预应力混凝土面板的使用已大大增加。为了文件?在北美桥面面板的各种应用中,已向各个州和一个省的交通运输部(DOT)发送了问卷调查。要求?调查中的信息包括结构类型,甲板尺寸,甲板支撑系统,面板尺寸和钢筋,面板与支撑系统之间的连接系统类型?相邻面板之间的接缝类型,用于填充接缝的粘结材料的类型,与接缝相关的问题,不良结果的原因以及保护系统的类型。归还的问卷已被编译和分析。本文总结了这项调查的重要结果。



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