
The story of Emily




This case study describes Bluewater Health’s quest to weave the philosophy and practice of patient and family-centered care from the boardroom to the bedside by introducing Emily. Emily’s image is a composite of photographs of staff, physicians, volunteers, patients and families exemplifying that each has a role in Emily’s care. Emily represents every patient and family of the past, present, and future. Emily’s journey started with the launch of Bluewater Health‘s 2013-2015 strategic plan and moved throughout the organization as patient councils were established and the organization embedded three foundational patient and family-centered RNAO Best Practice Guidelines into daily practice with the support of over 100 best practice champions. The successful implementation of RNAO’s best practice guidelines earned Bluewater Health designation as a Best Practice Spotlight Organization. The organization took a risk in introducing the notion of Emily knowing that Emily could become a cliché. No one was prepared for what has come to be known as “the Emily effect.” Emily’s effect is now being realized in increased patient satisfaction and improved employee engagement scores helping to deliver on our Mission, We create exemplary healthcare experiences for patients and families every time. Bluewater Health is a fully accredited, 326-bed community hospital that cares for the residents of Sarnia-Lambton, Ontario.
机译:该案例研究描述了Bluewater Health寻求通过介绍Emily将患者和家庭为中心的护理的哲学和实践从会议室到床边的过程。艾米莉(Emily)的图像是员工,医生,志愿者,患者和家人的照片的合成,表明每个人在艾米莉(Emily)的护理中都发挥着作用。艾米丽(Emily)代表过去,现在和将来的每个患者和家人。 Emily的旅程始于Bluewater Health 2013-2015年战略计划的启动,并在建立患者委员会的过程中遍及整个组织,并在100多个支持下,将三项以患者和家庭为中心的基本RNAO最佳实践指南纳入日常实践中最佳实践冠军。 RNAO最佳实践准则的成功实施使Bluewater Health被指定为最佳实践聚焦组织。该组织冒险引入艾米莉(Emily)的概念,因为知道艾米莉(Emily)可能会成为陈词滥调。没有人为被称为“艾米莉效应”的事情做好准备。现在,通过提高患者满意度和提高员工敬业度得分,艾米丽的影响得以实现,有助于实现我们的使命。我们每次都为患者和家庭创造典范的医疗保健体验。 Bluewater Health是一家经过全面认证的,有326张床的社区医院,该医院照顾安大略省Sarnia-Lambton的居民。



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