首页> 外文期刊>Pacific Journal of Science and Technology >GIS-Supported Survey and Biodiversity Assessment in a Derived Savannah Ecosystem

GIS-Supported Survey and Biodiversity Assessment in a Derived Savannah Ecosystem




Assessment of relics of natural vegetation of a derived-savannah ecosystem within the campus of the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta Nigeria was conducted by combining ground surveys with Geospatial technologies. The study aimed at investigating conservation capacity and wildlife of the remaining habitats within the University land. 1x1km grid cells were laid on the Landsat TM image of the campus acquired for year 2014.Supervised classification of the Landsat image was conducted using 5% maximum likelihood. Training sets were created from field notes from reconnaissance survey. 25% of the cells that fell on the densely vegetated areas were selected for inventory. Twenty-five 1 km transects were created in all; using cattle trails, human footpaths and vehicle tracks. Fauna inventory were conducted at 250 m intervals along all transects.Results image analysis revealed that many of the vegetation-cover are fragmentized into patches by human activities such as farming, logging and buildings. Total area of natural vegetation is only 5.14 km2; 5 percent of the reserve area within the University land. In the survey, 121 animals were recorded including 79 birds, 29 mammals and 11 reptile species.The observability and abundance index rated Bush buck and grass cutter highest with 8.14 and 7.75, respectively; and sighting frequencies of 21 and 20, respectively. Warthogs, hare, civet cats and forest genets are evidently threatened. The vegetation around a sacred grove within the campus and portion of the conservation reserved area were identified for protection. To reduce further human impacts creation of a zone of influence around critically important areas was suggested.
机译:通过将地面调查与地理空间技术相结合,对尼日利亚阿贝库塔联邦农业大学校园内的衍生大草原生态系统的自然植被遗迹进行了评估。该研究旨在调查大学土地内其余生境的保护能力和野生动植物。在2014年获得的校园Landsat TM图像上放置1x1km的网格单元。Landsat图像的监督分类使用5%最大似然法进行。训练集是根据侦察调查的实地记录创建的。选择落在茂密植被区的25%的单元进行清点。总共创建了25个1 km的样带;使用牛道,人行道和机动车道。在所有样带上以250 m的间隔进行动物区系调查。结果图像分析表明,许多植被覆盖物被耕作,伐木和建筑等人类活动分割成小块。自然植被总面积仅为5.14 km2;大学土地储备面积的5%。调查共记录了121只动物,包括79只鸟,29种哺乳动物和11种爬行动物。布什雄鹿和割草机的可观察性和丰度指数最高,分别为8.14和7.75;瞄准频率分别为21和20。疣猪,野兔,麝猫和森林种系显然受到威胁。确定了校园内一片神圣的小树林周围的植被以及保护区的一部分,以进行保护。为了减少进一步的人类影响,建议在至关重要的区域周围创建一个影响区。



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