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Clinical profile of epilepsy during thefirst two years of Life




Objective: This study aims at identifying the different presentations of infantile epilepsy with their E.E.G. and neuro-radiological patterns. Patient & Methods: Patients included in this study were children suffering from epilepsy starting below 2 years of age. They were attending the outpatient clinic or were from the in-patient departments in Prince Ali – Ben Al - Hussein hospital. The study included 100 children with ages ranging from three month to two years. All patients were subjected to: careful history taking, general and neurological examina-tion including fundus examination, E.E.G. tracing, CT were done for all cases. Febrile convulsions and convulsions due to metabolic disturbances were excluded from the study. Results: Patients were divided clinically into 2 groups: Group A (symptomatic) group-80 cases (80%): included those who had evident etiology, evident neurological deficit or developmental delay of significant degree prior to onset of seizures while Group B (cryptogenic) group-20 cases (20%). male to female ratio was 1.5: 1. The etiological factors encountered were perinatal asphyxia (55%) while heredofamilial disor-ders were least common 44% of patients had normal clinical examination as well as development while 27 % were mentally handicapped. The generalized tonic-clonic seizure was the commonest in both group while infantile type was the least, EEG was normal in 18 % of cases while CT scan lesion were present in 70% of the patients. Conclusions: Careful history taking is extremely important for accurate diagnosis of epilepsy. The in-vestigation of choice is the E.E.G. Computerized tomography should be considered an accurate neurodiagnostic test. It provides a good anatomic descri-ption of the brain.
机译:目的:这项研究旨在通过其E.E.G.识别婴儿癫痫的不同表现。和神经放射学模式。患者与方法:本研究中的患者为2岁以下开始患有癫痫病的儿童。他们正在门诊就诊,或者来自阿里亲王本·侯赛因医院的住院部门。该研究纳入了100名年龄在三个月至两年之间的儿童。所有患者均接受以下检查:仔细的病史记录,包括眼底检查在内的一般和神经系统检查E.E.G.追踪,所有病例均行CT检查。高热惊厥和代谢紊乱引起的惊厥被排除在研究之外。结果:将患者临床分为2组:A组(有症状的)组-80例(80%):包括在发作前有明显病因,明显神经功能缺损或严重发育延迟的患者,而B组(隐源性) )组20例(20%)。男女之比为1.5:1。遇到的病因是围产期窒息(55%),而家族遗传性疾病是最不常见的,有44%的患者临床检查和发育正常,而有27%的智障。两组中广泛性强直-阵挛性癫痫发作最常见,而婴儿型最少,EEG正常者占18%,而CT扫描病变占70%。结论:仔细记录病史对于准确诊断癫痫病至关重要。选择调查是E.E.G.电脑断层扫描应被视为准确的神经诊断检查。它提供了大脑的良好解剖描述。



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