首页> 外文期刊>Symmetry >Fishmeal Supplier Evaluation and Selection for Aquaculture Enterprise Sustainability with a Fuzzy MCDM Approach

Fishmeal Supplier Evaluation and Selection for Aquaculture Enterprise Sustainability with a Fuzzy MCDM Approach




In the aquaculture industry, feed that is of poor quality or nutritionally imbalanced can cause problems including low weight, poor growth, poor palatability, and increased mortality, all of which can induce a decrease in aquaculture production. Fishmeal is considered a better source of protein and its addition as an ingredient in the aquafeed makes aquatic animals grow fast and healthy. This means that fishmeal is the most important feed ingredient in aquafeed for the aquaculture industry. For the aquaculture industry in Taiwan, about 144,000 ton/USD $203,245,000 of fishmeal was imported, mostly from Peru, in 2016. Therefore, the evaluation and selection of fishmeal suppliers is a very important part of the decision-making process for a Taiwanese aquaculture enterprise. This study constructed a multiple criteria decision-making evaluation model for the selection of fishmeal suppliers using the VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR) approach based on the weights obtained with the entropy method in a fuzzy decision-making environment. This hybrid approach could effectively and conveniently measure the comprehensive performance of the main Peruvian fishmeal suppliers for practical applications. In addition, the results and processes described herein function as a good reference for an aquaculture enterprise in making decisions when purchasing fishmeal.
机译:在水产养殖业中,质量差或营养不均衡的饲料会引起问题,包括重量轻,生长不良,适口性差和死亡率增加,所有这些都会导致水产养殖产量下降。鱼粉被认为是蛋白质的更好来源,其作为水产饲料中的一种成分的添加使水生动物快速健康地成长。这意味着鱼粉是水产养殖业水产饲料中最重要的饲料成分。对于台湾的水产养殖业,2016年大约进口了144,000吨/ 203,245,000美元的鱼粉,其中大部分是从秘鲁进口的。因此,评估和选择鱼粉供应商是台湾水产养殖企业决策过程中非常重要的一部分。这项研究基于模糊决策环境中使用熵方法获得的权重,使用VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje(VIKOR)方法构建了用于选择鱼粉供应商的多准则决策评估模型。这种混合方法可以有效,方便地衡量秘鲁主要鱼粉供应商在实际应用中的综合性能。此外,本文所述的结果和过程可作为水产养殖企业在购买鱼粉时做出决定的良好参考。



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