首页> 外文期刊>Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy >Health professional students’ perceptions regarding their role in tobacco control: findings from the Global Health Professional Students Survey, Pakistan, 2011

Health professional students’ perceptions regarding their role in tobacco control: findings from the Global Health Professional Students Survey, Pakistan, 2011




Background An important way of reducing tobacco use is to train the health professional (HP) students to assist in tobacco cessation by educating patients and public. In order to shape their thoughts for the desired role, it is vital to understand their existing perceptions regarding HP’s role in tobacco control. Thus, the aim of our study was to find out the perceptions of Pakistani HP students regarding their future role in tobacco control, and examine factors associated with negative perceptions. Methods Secondary data analysis of the Global Health Professional Students Survey, Pakistan, 2011 was performed. Study population included 3445 health professional students in third year of graduate level programs. The dependent variable (perceptions of HP students), was developed using four questions from the survey. Students who did not regard HP’s role in tobacco control were labeled as having negative perceptions. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to analyze association between HP students’ perceptions and various socio-demographic, attitudinal and knowledge related factors; and were reported as adjusted odds ratios with 95% confidence interval. Results We found that 44.8% (n = 1542) of students do not regard HPs as role model for their patients and public, and perceive that HPs do not play an important part in patient’s quitting tobacco use. These negative perceptions were associated with male sex (OR = 1.25, 95% CI 1.02 – 1.53, p value 0.028), and poor knowledge about tobacco cessation techniques (OR = 1.32, 95% CI 1.12 – 1.55, p value Conclusion The role of HPs for tobacco control is fairly under-perceived by HP students, and the undesired negative perceptions are associated with male sex, poor knowledge about tobacco use cessation techniques and negative attitudes towards legislative control. A comprehensive approach, focusing on these aspects should be adopted to train HPs, in order to utilize them as an effective manpower for tobacco control.
机译:背景技术减少烟草使用的一种重要方法是培训卫生专业(HP)的学生,通过教育患者和公众来协助戒烟。为了塑造他们对理想角色的想法,至关重要的是了解他们对HP在烟草控制中的作用的现有看法。因此,我们研究的目的是找出巴基斯坦HP学生对他们未来在烟草控制中的作用的看法,并研究与负面看法相关的因素。方法对2011年巴基斯坦全球卫生专业学生调查进行了二次数据分析。研究人口包括3445名健康专业学生,他们为研究生课程的第三年。因变量(HP学生的看法)是使用调查中的四个问题得出的。不考虑惠普在烟草控制中作用的学生被标记为负面看法。进行逻辑回归分析以分析HP学生的看法与各种社会人口统计学,态度和知识相关因素之间的关联;并报告为调整后的优势比,置信区间为95%。结果我们发现44.8%(n = 1542)的学生没有将HP视为患者和公众的榜样,并认为HP在患者戒烟中没有扮演重要角色。这些负面看法与男性有关(OR = 1.25,95%CI 1.02 – 1.53,p值0.028),以及对戒烟技术的了解不佳(OR = 1.32,95%CI 1.12 – 1.55,p值)结论HP学生对烟草控制的HP认知不足,不希望有的负面看法与男性,不熟悉烟草使用戒烟技术以及对立法控制的负面态度有关,应采取针对这些方面的综合方法来解决这些问题。培训HP,以便将其用作控制烟草的有效人力。



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