首页> 外文期刊>Southern African Journal of Critical Care >Moral distress experienced by intensive care nurses

Moral distress experienced by intensive care nurses




BACKGROUND: Moral distress is experienced when nurses experience conflict while making an ethical decision. This is magnified when the decisions are about withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatment OBJECTIVE: To explore and describe nurses' experiences of situations that involve end-of-life care and evoke moral distress in the intensive care units (ICUs) of two public tertiary-level hospitals in South Africa (SA), the personal consequences of these situations and the means employed to manage their distress METHODS: An exploratory, descriptive design was used. A short survey/interview guide was administered to registered and enrolled nurses (N=100) employed in the ICUs from two academic-affiliated, specialist public hospitals RESULTS: A total of 65 completed surveys were collected. Of these, 32 responses were judged not to be describing moral distress while 33 clearly described moral distress and were included and analysed by means of initial content analysis. The findings were presented in five major categories: (i) collegial incompetence or inexperience; (ii) resource constraints; (iii) end-of-life issues; (iv) lack of consultation, communication and negotiation; and (v) support CONCLUSION: The study found that nurses experienced considerable moral distress. This is compounded in an environment where gender, professional and social status inhibit the nurses' assertiveness, 'voice' and influence in the healthcare system. Parallels can be drawn between the microcosm of the ICU and the macrocosm of the SA social and ethical character.
机译:背景:当护士在做出道德决定时遇到冲突时,就会遭受道德困扰。目的:探讨和描述护士在涉及两个公共三级重症监护病房(ICU)的临终关怀和引起精神困扰的情况下的经历并加以描述南非(SA)的三级医院,这些情况的个人后果以及用于解决其困扰的方法。方法:采用了探索性的描述性设计。简短的调查/访谈指南适用于来自两家学术附属专业公立医院的ICU中注册和登记的护士(N = 100)。结果:总共收集了65份调查问卷。在这些回应中,有32项回答被认为不是描述道德苦恼,而33项回答清楚地描述了道德苦恼,并通过初始内容分析将其纳入并进行了分析。调查结果分为五个主要类别:(i)大学的无能或经验不足; (ii)资源限制; (iii)报废问题; (iv)缺乏协商,沟通和谈判; (v)支持结论:该研究发现护士遭受了相当大的道德困扰。在性别,职业和社会地位抑制护士的自信,“声音”和对医疗保健系统影响的环境中,情况更加复杂。可以在ICU的缩影与SA的社会和道德特征的缩影之间画出平行线。



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