首页> 外文期刊>South African medical journal = >Effectiveness of sequential v. standard triple therapy for treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection in children in Nairobi, Kenya

Effectiveness of sequential v. standard triple therapy for treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection in children in Nairobi, Kenya




BACKGROUND: Once the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori is confirmed, treatment requires at least two antibiotics and an acid inhibitor for a minimum of seven days. Unfortunately, treatment failures are being frequently reported. Treatment regimens that include sequential administration of antibiotics with acid inhibitors have been developed to try and increase the rate of eradication. OBJECTIVE: To determine the effectiveness of a novel 10-day sequential therapy compared with the standard 10-day triple therapy for treatment of H. pylori infection in children. METHODS: A double-blinded, randomised, controlled trial was conducted. Children under the age of 16 years with recurrent abdominal pain associated with dyspepsia and diagnosed with H. pylori by histology were randomly allocated either to a 10-day sequential treatment regimen or to a 10-day conventional triple therapy. Analysis of the outcome of this study was based on clinical improvement and confirmed H. pylori eradication based on stool H. pylori antigen detection and/or repeat endoscopy. RESULTS: Of the 71 patients included in the analysis, 45 (63.4%) were given the 10-day conventional treatment while 26 (36.6%) received the 10-day sequential treatment. There was no difference in clinical improvement after treatment in the two therapies. However, there was a significant difference in the eradication of H. pylori between the conventional v. sequential regimens (48.8% v. 84.6%, respectively; p=0.02, odds ratio 0.19). CONCLUSION: The sequential treatment had a significantly higher H. pylori eradication rate than the conventional treatment.
机译:背景:一旦确诊为幽门螺杆菌,就需要至少两种抗生素和一种酸抑制剂治疗至少7天。不幸的是,治疗失败经常被报道。已经开发出包括先后施用酸抑制剂和抗生素的治疗方案,以试图提高根除率。目的:确定与标准的10天三联疗法相比,新型10天序贯疗法在治疗儿童幽门螺杆菌感染中的有效性。方法:进行了双盲,随机,对照试验。 16岁以下因消化不良而反复发作的腹痛并经组织学诊断为幽门螺杆菌的儿童被随机分配至10天序贯治疗方案或10天常规三联疗法。这项研究结果的分析基于临床改善,并基于粪便幽门螺杆菌抗原检测和/或重复内镜检查证实了幽门螺杆菌的根除。结果:在分析的71名患者中,有45名(63.4%)被给予10天常规治疗,而26名(36.6%)被给予10天序贯治疗。两种疗法治疗后的临床改善无差异。然而,在传统的v。顺序方案之间根除幽门螺杆菌存在显着差异(分别为48.8%和84.6%; p = 0.02,优势比为0.19)。结论:序贯治疗的幽门螺杆菌根除率明显高于常规治疗。



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