首页> 外文期刊>Open Journal of Modern Neurosurgery >Outcome of Surgically Treated Acute Traumatic Epidural Hematomas Based on the Glasgow Coma Scale

Outcome of Surgically Treated Acute Traumatic Epidural Hematomas Based on the Glasgow Coma Scale




This study was a retrospective analysis of style="font-family:""> style="font-family:Verdana;">outcome of surgically treated acute traumatic epidural hematomas based on the Glasgow coma scale. The series enrolled forty-six consecutive cases of acute traumatic epidural hematomas. style="font-family:""> style="font-family:Verdana;">The mean age of patients was 29.56 years and style="font-family:""> style="font-family:Verdana;">63.04% of the patients were between 21 and 30 years of age. Forty-tree out of 46 style="font-family:""> style="font-family:Verdana;">(93.47%) of the patients were males. Road traffic crash was the main mode of injury. style="font-family:""> style="font-family:Verdana;">The severity of the traumatic brain injury was classified according to the Glasgow coma scale score at admission. The injury was mild or moderate in 35 style="font-family:""> style="font-family:Verdana;">(76.08%) cases and severe in 11. Eight patients (17.39%) presented with pupillary abnormalities. The computed tomography scanning of the head has objectivized the epidural hematoma in all patients and has shown a mass effect with midline shift in all but one case (45/46). The most frequent surgical procedure done was craniotomy. Six (13.04%) patients died (GOS 1), but 38 style="font-family:""> style="font-family:Verdana;">(82.60%) recovered fully (GOS 5) and two (04.34%) were disabled but independent (GOS 4). style="font-family:""> style="font-family:Verdana;">The Glasgow coma score at admission was very predictive for good or poor outcome, since all patients but one who died and all survivors who were disabled were comatose at admission (GCS ≤ 8).
机译:这项研究是对 style =“ font-family:”“> style =” font-family:Verdana;“>基于外科手术治疗的急性创伤性硬膜外血肿的结果的回顾性分析。该系列共纳入了46例急性外伤性硬膜外血肿病例。 style =“ font-family:”“> style =” font-family:Verdana; “>患者的平均年龄为29.56岁, style =” font-family:“”> style =“ font-family:Verdana;”> 63.04%的患者是年龄在21至30岁之间。在46棵树中占四十棵 style =“ font-family:”“> style =” font-family:Verdana;“>(93.47% )的患者是男性。道路交通事故是主要的伤害方式。 style =“ font-family:”“> style =” font-family:Verdana;“>颅脑外伤的严重程度根据入院时的格拉斯哥昏迷量表评分进行分类。轻度或中度伤情在35 style =“ font-family:”“> style =” font-family:Verdana ;(76.08%)例,其中11例严重。8例(17.39%)出现瞳孔异常。头部计算机断层扫描已使所有患者的硬膜外血肿客观化,除一例外,其他所有病例均显示中线移位的质量效应(45/46)。最常用的手术方法是开颅手术。六名(13.04%)患者死亡(GOS 1),但有38 style =“ font-family:”“> style =” font-family:Verdana;“>(82.60% )已完全恢复(GOS 5),有两个(04.34%)被禁用但独立(GOS 4)。 style =“ font-family:”“> style =” font-family :Verdana;“>入院时的格拉斯哥昏迷评分对预后的好坏非常有预测作用,因为除一名患者死亡外,所有残疾患者均入院时昏迷(GCS≤8)。



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