首页> 外文期刊>Open Journal of Medical Psychology >An Instance of Somatoform Disorder

An Instance of Somatoform Disorder




A case study is presented of a prison inmate with Somatoform Disorder, a relatively rare type of mental illness. In this particular case symptomatology revolved around his claim that some of his teeth were rotten, resulting in great pain, in spite of several diagnoses by dentists. When said teeth were extracted, inmate would express satisfaction, whereupon several weeks later the same complaint would resurface and the cycle began anew. Of the various types of mental illnesses listed in the DSM, there are some that are infrequently seen [1,2] One of these is Somatoform Disorder, a category of mental illness for which there is a paucity of research, partly due to diagnostic difficulties and controversies [3,4] and we would like to present a case study of just such an instance.
机译:案例研究显示了监狱犯人患有躯体形式障碍,这是一种相对罕见的精神疾病。在这种特殊情况下,尽管牙医多次作出诊断,但症状围绕着他的主张,即他的一些牙齿烂了,导致了巨大的疼痛。当所说的牙齿被拔出时,犯人会表示满意,然后几周后,同样的抱怨又浮出水面,周期又重新开始了。在DSM中列出的各种类型的精神疾病中,很少见[1,2]。其中之一是Somatoform Disorder,这是一种精神疾病,目前尚缺乏研究,部分是由于诊断困难和争议[3,4],我们想提出一个有关这种情况的案例研究。



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