首页> 外文期刊>Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical. Revista >Estudo comparativo do ciclo evolutivo de Rhodnius neglectus alimentados em pombos ou camundongos

Estudo comparativo do ciclo evolutivo de Rhodnius neglectus alimentados em pombos ou camundongos




Feeding pattems of R. neglectus collected in palm trees around Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais, Brazil) were investigated. Precipitin tests showed 77.2% of avian blood. In view of these results, a new colony of R. neglectus established in the laboratory was fed regularly on pigeons or mice, in order to verify a possible better adaptation of this insect to the avian blood. As a control group a colony of R neglectus which has been maintained for several years in the laboratory was also observed. The results show a better development of the ?“new" colony in comparison with the old one, and of those bugs nourished with mice blood. Such findings suggest a poorer biological potential for triatomines maintained for long time in artificial conditions, in comparison with those living in the natural environment. As birds are the main vertebrate inhabitants of palm trees (the natural ecotope of R neglectus), the apparent feeding preference of this species for avian blood seems to be merely circumstancial and not related to a better biological performance provided by this kind of blood.
机译:研究了在贝洛奥里藏特(巴西米纳斯吉拉斯州)周围的棕榈树中采集的疏叶念珠菌的摄食模式。沉淀蛋白测试显示有77.2%的禽血。鉴于这些结果,定期在鸽子或小鼠身上喂食在实验室建立的新的R. neglectus菌落,以验证这种昆虫是否可能更好地适应禽血。作为对照组,还观察到了在实验室中已维持了数年的R neglectus菌落。结果表明,与旧菌落相比,“新”菌落具有更好的发育,并且在小鼠血液中滋养了这些虫子,与在人工条件下长期维持的三氢紫杉醇相比,它们的生物学潜力较差。由于鸟类是棕榈树(R nglectus的自然生态位)的主要脊椎动物栖息地,因此该物种对禽类血液的明显摄食偏好似乎只是偶然的,与该物种提供的更好的生物学性能无关。这种血。



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