首页> 外文期刊>Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical. Revista >Parasitismo natural de ovos de triatomíneos por Telenomus fariai lima, 1927 no laboratório

Parasitismo natural de ovos de triatomíneos por Telenomus fariai lima, 1927 no laboratório

机译:Telenomus fazi lima于1999年在实验室中自然提取了三氢精胺鸡蛋



In november/89 in the insectary of Centro de Estudos "Emmanuel Dias"/Bambui-MG a high infestation by the microhymenoptera T. fariai was found. Among the 529 eggs examined from P. megistus and T. vitticeps, 375(70.9%) of them showed a total of1045parasites (91.4% females and 8.6% males). Later on it was found that T. infestans eggs were also parasitised by T. fariai but not those from R. neglectus. The observedparasitoid/egg average was 7.9 in P. megistus; 8.7 in T. vitticeps and 10 in T. infestans. The present report has special importance considering the real possibility ofT. fariai infestation due to the access of infested triatomine eggs from field captures inducing great damage to colonies maintainedfor research purposes. These eggs have to be carefully examined, isolated and eliminated. This procedure and the closing of triatomine containers with thin net (0.25 mm) is show to be efficient in T. fariai control.
机译:89年11月,在“ Emmanuel Dias”中心/ Bambui-MG中心的昆虫中,发现了由微型膜翅目昆虫T. fariai引起的高发病。在检出的P. megistus和T. vitticeps的529个卵中,有375个(70.9%)显示出总共1045个寄生虫(雌性91.4%,雄性8.6%)。后来发现,T。infestans卵也被T. fariai寄生,但不是来自R. neglectus的卵。观察到的P. megistus的寄生物/卵平均为7.9; T. vitticeps 8.7,而T. infestans 10。考虑到T的真实可能性,本报告具有特别的重要性。由于从田间捕获物中获取了受侵染的三松碱卵,导致了粉虱的侵染,对为研究目的而维持的菌落造成了极大的破坏。这些卵必须仔细检查,隔离和消除。该程序以及用薄网(0.25毫米)封闭三松碱容器在控制费氏疟原虫中被证明是有效的。



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