首页> 外文期刊>Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical. Revista >Spatial analysis of tuberculosis/HIV coinfection: its relation with socioeconomic levels in a city in south-eastern Brazil

Spatial analysis of tuberculosis/HIV coinfection: its relation with socioeconomic levels in a city in south-eastern Brazil

机译:巴西东南部某城市的结核/ HIV合并感染的空间分析:与社会经济水平的关系



INTRODUCTION: Spatial analysis of the distribution of tuberculosis/HIV coinfection was performed and associated with socioeconomic indicators in São José do Rio Preto, from 1998 to 2006. METHODS: New TB/HIV coinfection cases were georeferenced and incidence coefficients were calculated for spatial units. Moran's index was used to evaluate spatial associations of incidences. Multiple regressions selected variables that could best explain the spatial association of incidences. The local indicator of spatial association was used to identify significant spatial groupings. RESULTS: Moran's index was 0.0635 (p=0.0000) indicating that the incidence association occurred. The variable that best explained the spatial association of incidence was the percentage of heads of families with up to three years of education. The LISA cluster map for TB/HIV coinfection incidence coefficients showed groups with high incidence rates in the North and low incidence in the South and West regions of the municipality. CONCLUSIONS: The study elucidated the spatial geographic distribution of TB/HIV coinfection and determined its association with socioeconomic variables, thus providing data for oriented planning, prioritizing socially disadvantaged regions that present a higher incidence of the disease.
机译:简介:从1998年至2006年,在里约热内卢圣何塞进行了结核/ HIV合并感染分布的空间分析,并与社会经济指标相关联。 Moran指数用于评估发生率的空间关联。多元回归选择的变量可以最好地解释发生率的空间关联。空间关联的局部指标用于识别重要的空间分组。结果:Moran指数为0.0635(p = 0.0000),表明发生了发病率关联。最能解释发病率空间相关性的变量是,受过三年以上教育的一家之主的百分比。 LISA TB / HIV合并感染发病率系数的聚类图显示了该市北部高发病率而南部和西部地区发病率低的人群。结论:该研究阐明了结核病/艾滋病毒合并感染的空间地理分布,并确定了其与社会经济变量的联系,从而为定向规划提供了数据,优先考虑了呈现疾病高发率的社会弱势地区。


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