首页> 外文期刊>Saudi journal of kidney diseases and transplantation : >Prevalence of hypertension in healthy school children in Pakistan and its relationship with body mass index, proteinuria and hematuria

Prevalence of hypertension in healthy school children in Pakistan and its relationship with body mass index, proteinuria and hematuria




To determine the prevalence of high blood pressure (BP) in healthy school Pakistani children and its association with high body mass index (BMI), asymptomatic hematuria and proteinuria, we studied 661 public school children and measured their body weight, height and BP and urine dipstick for hematuria performed on a single occasion. Hypertension (BP 95 th centile) and pre-hypertension (BP 90 th centile) were defined based on the US normative BP tables. Over-weight and obesity were defined according to the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of BMI. The mean age of the children was 14 ± 1.3 years. The mean BMI was 18.5 ± 4.3 kg/m 2 . The majority (81.8%) of the children were found to be normotensive (BP 90 th centile). Pre-hypertension was observed in 15% and hypertension in 3% of the children. Overweight was observed in 7.7% and obesity in 1% of the children. The independent risk factors for hypertension and pre-hypertension were age of the child (RR 1.2 95% CI 1-1.4), gender (RR 2.0 for being female 95% CI 1-4.4), BMI 25 (RR for BMI b/w 25-30 = 2.6, RR for BMI 30 = 4.3), positive urine dipstick for proteinuria (RR = 2.3 95% CI 0.7-7.7) and positive urine dipstick for hematuria (RR 1.0 95% CI 0.2-8.3). Hypertension in children is strongly correlated with obesity, asymptomatic proteinuria and hematuria. Community based screening programs for children should include BP recording, BMI assessment and urine dipsticks analysis and approach high-risk groups for early detection and lifestyle modifications.
机译:为了确定健康巴基斯坦儿童的高血压患病率及其与高体重指数(BMI),无症状性血尿和蛋白尿的关系,我们研究了661名公立学校儿童,并测量了他们的体重,身高,血压和尿液一次用于血尿的量油尺。高血压(BP> 95 thcent)和高血压前期(BP> 90 thcent)是根据美国规范化BP表定义的。根据世界卫生组织(WHO)的BMI分类定义了超重和肥胖。儿童的平均年龄为14±1.3岁。平均BMI为18.5±4.3 kg / m 2 。发现大多数儿童(81.8%)血压正常(血压<90 百分位)。 15%的儿童出现高血压前期,3%的儿童出现高血压。 7.7%的儿童超重,1%的儿童肥胖。高血压和高血压前期的独立危险因素是儿童的年龄(RR 1.2 95%CI 1-1.4),性别(RR 2.0是女性95%CI 1-4.4),BMI> 25(BMI b / w 25-30 = 2.6,BMI> 30的RR = 4.3),蛋白尿阳性尿液试纸(RR = 2.3 95%CI 0.7-7.7),血尿阳性尿液试纸(RR 1.0 95%CI 0.2-8.3)。儿童高血压与肥胖,无症状蛋白尿和血尿密切相关。基于社区的儿童筛查计划应包括BP记录,BMI评估和尿液试纸分析,并与高风险人群接触以进行早期发现和生活方式改变。



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