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A Case Study of the Effects of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder on Operational Fire Service Personnel Within the Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service




Background Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service (LFRS), the subject of this evaluative research document employs 1400 people. 80% of employees are operational firefighters and officers whom operate across a range of duty systems and support functions, providing prevention, protection and emergency response to the communities of Lancashire. Methods The overarching purpose of this epidemiological study is to assess the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) amongst operational LFRS personnel and to analyse the effects upon those who may be suffering from it, whether brought about by a single traumatic event or by repeated exposure to traumatic occurrences over a period of time. A combination of primary and secondary research was carried out. Primary data was collated using two recognised clinical questionnaires and statistical analysis was conducted with the aid of the software package SPSS. Results The findings and statistical analysis showed that out of the 100 people surveyed, 30% of respondents had signs of probable distress. Of this quota, 4% showed symptoms of PTSD. The study considers how an organisation can recognise and manage PTSD and provides recommendations to assist in better recognising and managing the associated risks. Conclusion Based upon the findings, the authors conclude that the level of PTSD within LFRS is slightly lower than those found in other studies undertaken within the Fire and Rescue Service sector. The paper provides recommendations for future studies and a series of actions for consideration by LFRS senior management to improve PTSD support services for employees.
机译:背景兰开夏郡消防救援局(LFRS),本评估研究文件的主题,有1400名员工。 80%的雇员是作战消防员和军官,他们在一系列职责系统和支持功能中进行运作,为兰开夏郡社区提供预防,保护和应急响应。方法这项流行病学研究的主要目的是评估LFRS作业人员的创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的患病率,并分析其对可能遭受其困扰的人的影响,无论是由于单个创伤事件还是因在一段时间内反复接触创伤事件。结合了主要和次要研究。使用两个公认的临床问卷对主要数据进行整理,并借助SPSS软件包进行统计分析。结果调查结果和统计分析表明,在接受调查的100个人中,有30%的受访者有患病的迹象。在这个配额中,有4%表现出PTSD的症状。该研究考虑了组织如何识别和管理PTSD,并提供建议以帮助更好地识别和管理相关风险。结论基于这些发现,作者得出结论,LFRS中的PTSD水平略低于在消防和救援服务部门中进行的其他研究中发现的水平。该文件为将来的研究提供了建议,并为LFRS高级管理层提供了一系列行动,以改善为员工提供的PTSD支持服务。



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