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Validity of the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT): Preliminary Study in Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia




Objective: To examine the concurrent and criterion validity of The Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT) in Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia. Methods: Two groups, comprising 35 Autistic children previously diagnosed with autism, 113 children without Autistic Disorders. They were selected from different clinical settings: Primary care Clinic, Shumua Al Amal Private Day Care Central for Mental Disable-Dammam and the child psychiatric Clinic of AL Amal Complex for Mental Health-Dammam. To determine the Concurrent validation, ANOVA and discriminate analysis were used to compare the significant different between samples, Control group (normal) and the experimental group (autistic). The Correlation Matrix was used to establish the internal consistence of the (M-CHAT) items and to examine the criterion validity. Results: The mean total score was significantly higher in the group of autistic children than in the other group. In the items of swing, interesting, climbing, playing peek-doo, pretending, Asking, using fingers, Playing with toys, Bringing objects, Over sensitive auditory, Reactive response, Response, Imitation, Pointing, looking, Attention, Deaf, Understanding, Staring & wandering, and Reaction checking. The Reliability Coefficients of items by Alpha = 0.8123 indicates high sensitivity and specificity of M-CHAT, while the content Validity (internal consistence) shows 162 correlation coefficient between the items indicating high validity of M-CHAT. Conclusions: The Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT) shows promise as an instrument for identifying children with autistic disorders, in primary care clinic for early detection.
机译:目的:研究沙特阿拉伯东部省的《幼儿自闭症改良检查表》(M-CHAT)的同时性和标准有效性。方法:分为两组,包括35名先前被诊断出患有自闭症的自闭症儿童和113名无自闭症的儿童。他们选自以下不同的临床环境:初级保健诊所,Shumua Al Amal精神残疾-达曼的私人日间护理中心和AL Amal Complex精神卫生-达曼的儿童精神病诊所。为了确定并发验证,使用了方差分析和判别分析来比较样本,对照组(正常)和实验组(自闭症)之间的显着差异。相关矩阵用于建立(M-CHAT)项目的内部一致性并检查标准的有效性。结果:自闭症儿童组的平均总得分显着高于其他组。在秋千,有趣,攀爬,偷看,假装,问,用手指,玩玩具,带物体,过度敏感的听觉,反应性,回应,模仿,指向,寻找,注意,聋哑,理解,凝视和徘徊,并进行反应检查。 Alpha = 0.8123的项目的可靠性系数表示M-CHAT的敏感性和特异性高,而内容效度(内部一致性)显示M-CHAT的项目之间的相关系数为162。结论:改良的《幼儿自闭症检查表》(M-CHAT)显示了在初级保健诊所早期发现自闭症患儿的工具。



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