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Corporate Governance on the National Olympic Committee of Thailand




The Olympic Games is by far the most admirable competitions among athletes and the most spectacle sports tournaments among sports fans. The Olympic Games is built on their very core values when the games bring together people around the world to witness one of the amazing sports events in the world. It is a congregation of the Olympic Games. Three core values, i.e., excellence, friendship and respect, are around the world. The immense role of the dissemination of Olympic values and promoting and overseeing the Olympic Games falls on the shoulder of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) which is a decision-making organization regarding the Olympic affairs. Though a huge responsibility lied upon the IOC, the IOC alone cannot operate and function at this successful level. The National Olympic Committees (NOCs) from various countries need to provide considerable support to the IOC, and the accomplishment of the IOC’s objectives can be achieved only if the NOCs work efficiently and effectively. The NOCs perform various functions and provide a significant contribution to promoting sports in a country. Thailand is one of the IOC members. The missions of the National Olympic Committee of Thailand (NOCT) under the Royal Patronage of H.M. the King include supporting and promoting amateur sports and physical education, sending delegated athletes and the international. Competitions, providing welfare and education for athletes and coaches, organizing a sports museum, and coordination with different management of the NOCT are highly essential. Effective management of the NOCT will lead not only to the increasing number of junior athletes and national athletes and the success of our national athletes in major international sports competitions, but also to gear Thailand to be a healthy society using sports as a means to this end. In business, it is often argued that effective management is caused by competition. The term “creative destruction” coined by Joseph Schumpeter has continuously been proven through time that the most effective and innovative firms will thrive. Without competition, there is no real incentive and need for firms to be effective and efficient. Firms can do whatever they want bearing few or no consequences. Many sports governing bodies, e.g. the IOC and the NOCs, however, have no competition and, thus, are a monopoly. Yet, thee organizations need to be most effective. In this paper, we will argue that corporate governance is the solution to make the NOCs and the IOC to be most effective by using an example of the NOCT. Corporate governance (CG) can be loosely defined as to how to institute integrity to organizations/industries. Similar to business, the IOC and the NOCs need to instill integrity to their members no matter who they are or what role they take. A cleverly tailored corporate governance process employing control from both top-down and bottom-up will provide a necessary means to make the NOCs or, in this paper, the NOCT becomes well managed.
机译:迄今为止,奥运会是运动员中最令人钦佩的比赛,也是体育迷中最壮观的体育比赛。当奥运会将世界各地的人们召集在一起,见证世界上令人惊叹的体育赛事之一时,奥运会便建立在其核心价值观之上。这是奥运会的聚会。精益求精,友谊和尊重是三大核心价值观。传播奥林匹克价值观,促进和监督奥林匹克运动的巨大作用在于国际奥林匹克委员会(IOC)的肩上,该委员会是有关奥林匹克事务的决策组织。尽管国际奥委会负有巨大责任,但仅国际奥委会就无法在这一成功水平上运作和运作。各国的国家奥委会需要为国际奥委会提供大量支持,只有国际奥委会有效地开展工作,才能实现国际奥委会的目标。国家奥委会履行各种职能,为促进一个国家的体育事业做出了重大贡献。泰国是国际奥委会成员之一。泰国皇家奥林匹克委员会赞助的泰国国家奥林匹克委员会(NOCT)的任务国王包括支持和促进业余体育和体育教育,派遣代表运动员和国际比赛。竞赛,为运动员和教练提供福利和教育,组织体育馆以及与NOCT的不同管理部门配合非常重要。有效地管理NOCT,不仅会导致初级运动员和国家运动员的数量增加,而且也将导致本国运动员在大型国际体育比赛中的成功,而且还将使泰国成为一个以运动为手段的健康社会。在企业中,经常有人争辩说有效的管理是由竞争引起的。约瑟夫·熊彼特(Joseph Schumpeter)提出的“创造性破坏”一词已被不断证明,最有效,最创新的公司将蓬勃发展。没有竞争,就没有真正的动力,也就没有企业有效和高效的需要。公司可以做任何他们想做的事,几乎不会或根本没有后果。许多体育管理机构,例如但是,国际奥委会和国家奥委会没有竞争,因此是垄断企业。但是,您的组织需要最有效。在本文中,我们将以公司治理为例,通过以NOCT为例,它是使NOC和IOC最有效的解决方案。关于如何对组织/行业建立诚信,可以对公司治理(CG)进行宽松定义。与业务类似,国际奥委会和国家奥委会需要向其成员灌输诚信,无论他们是谁或扮演什么角色。巧妙地量身定制的公司治理流程,要采用自上而下和自下而上的控制方式,将为制定NOC或提供良好的管理提供了必要的手段。



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