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Women Travel Writings: A Comparative Journey




Since the 18th century, Turkey increasingly played a significant role for women travel writers such as Lady Marry Montague, Elizabeth Craven, Julia Pardoe, Hester Donaldson Jenkins, Eliza Cheney Abbott Schneider, Mary Mills Patrick, Grace Ellison, who were in curiosity to discover the other: their cultures, customs, literatures, social, political and historical backgrounds and improvements, emancipation movements, sexualities and so on. Whereas some women writers including Zeyneb Hanim, Melek Hanim, Demetre Vaka and Halide Edib Adivar penned impressions about both European and Turkey. In this study, the works named An Englishwoman in a Turkish Harem by Grace Ellison and A Turkish Woman’s European Impressions by Zeynep Hanim will be evaluated in regard to comparative literature and cultural studies. Additionally, I argue that comparative literature accepted as a most advantageous approach for literary and cultural studies can probably contribute much more than the other disciplines to cultural studies and cultural history, even feminist cultural history, comparative cultural perspectives to literature; and or cultural studies open a large umbrella for international cultures and literatures in the light of these two works focused on literary writings, experiments, representations of occidental and oriental women, and occidental and oriental perceptions.
机译:自18世纪以来,土耳其对女性旅行作家(如玛丽·蒙塔格夫人(Lady Marry Montague),伊丽莎白·克雷文(Elizabeth Craven),朱莉娅·帕多德(Julia Pardoe),海斯特·唐纳森·詹金斯(Hester Donaldson Jenkins),伊丽莎·切尼·雅培·施耐德(Mary Mills Patrick)和格蕾丝·埃里森(Grace Ellison)其他:他们的文化,习俗,文学,社会,政治和历史背景和进步,解放运动,性行为等。包括Zeyneb Hanim,Melek Hanim,Demetre Vaka和Halide Edib Adivar在内的一些女性作家对欧洲和土耳其印象深刻。在这项研究中,将对比较文学和文化研究的作品进行评估,这些作品分别是格蕾丝·埃里森(Grace Ellison)的《土耳其后宫的英国女人》和Zeynep Hanim的《土耳其女人的欧洲印象》。另外,我认为比较文学被认为是文学和文化研究的最有利方法,它可能比其他学科对文化研究和文化历史,甚至是女权主义文化史,对文学的比较文化观点做出的贡献更大;鉴于这两部作品集中于文学作品,实验,西方和东方女性的代表性以及西方和东方的观念,因此文化研究和/或文化研究为国际文化和文学打开了大伞。



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