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Educating Rural Women about Gender Specific Heart Attack and Prodromal Symptoms




Problem: Heart Disease (HD) remains the leading cause of mortality among women. Improvement of outcomes for morbidity and mortality in females with HD has not occurred at the same rate as in males. Rural populations often have more barriers to seeking timely intervention than their urban counterparts. Purpose: To test the efficacy of using acronyms to educate rural women on female MI and prodromal symptoms as well as the appropriate response to these symptoms and to assess if knowledge gained was sustained for a 2-month period of time. Method: A quasi-experimental design with two groups with site randomization of educational intervention with N = 137 rural women (RUCC codes of 5 or higher). Factor analysis, validity and reliability testing for the 23 item Matters of Your Heart Scale (v. 2) are discussed. Findings: Comparing the two educational formats of acronym vs. no acronym showed no statistically significant difference on the Knowledge score t = .26, df = 134, p = .80 by group. Similar non-significant findings occurred for the major subscales. Some demographic groups did achieve significantly higher scores on the MOYH v. 2. A multiple regression indicated that the final model explained 90% of the variance in the dependent variable of Knowledge of female MI symptoms including the appropriate response to those symptoms (R2 = .90, adjR2, se = 1.65). Conclusions: Educating rural women to recognize gender specific heart attacks symptoms, possible warning symptoms, and the need to respond appropriately is an area where rural nurses can make a difference whether or not an acronym educational approach is used.
机译:问题:心脏病(HD)仍然是女性死亡的主要原因。患有HD的女性发病率和死亡率结果的改善与男性的发生率不同。农村人口往往比城市人口有更多的障碍寻求及时干预。目的:测试使用首字母缩写词对农村妇女进行女性MI和前驱症状教育以及对这些症状的适当反应的有效性,并评估所获得的知识是否持续2个月。方法:采用两组的准实验设计,对N = 137名农村妇女(RUCC编码为5或更高)的教育干预措施进行现场随机分配。讨论了针对您的心脏量表(v。2)的23个项目的因素分析,有效性和可靠性测试。调查结果:比较两种首字母缩写词与无首字母缩写词的教育形式,按知识类别,知识得分t = .26,df = 134,p = .80,差异无统计学意义。主要分量表也有类似的非重要发现。一些人口统计学组确实在MOYH v.2上获得了明显更高的分数。多元回归表明,最终模型解释了女性MI症状知识的因变量的90%方差,包括对这些症状的适当反应(R2 =。 90,adjR2,se = 1.65)。结论:教育农村妇女认识到性别特定的心脏病发作症状,可能的警告症状以及适当应对的需要,这是农村护士无论是否使用首字母缩略语教育方法都能有所作为的领域。



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