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ED and poison center surveillance for the Great American Solar Eclipse in Oregon




Objecive Identify surveillance priorities for emergency department (ED) and Oregon Poison Center (OPC) data ahead of the 2017 Great American Solar Eclipse gatherings in Oregon and create a suite of queries for use in the Health Intelligence Section of the Oregon Public Health Division (OPHD) Incident Management Team (IMT). Introduction Oregon’s statewide syndromic surveillance system (Oregon ESSENCE) has been operational since 2012. Non-federal emergency department data (and several of their associated urgent care centers) are the primary source for the system, although other data sources have been added, including de-identified call data from OPC in 2016 (1). OPHD epidemiologists have experience monitoring mass gatherings (2) and have a strong relationship with OPC, collaborating on a regular basis for routine and heightened public health surveillance. Nevertheless, surveillance for the Great American Solar Eclipse (August 2017) presented a challenge due to the 107 reported simultaneous statewide eclipse-watching events planned for the day of the eclipse (some with estimated attendance of greater than 30,000 people and most in rural or frontier regions of the state). Scientific literature is limited on mass gathering surveillance in the developed world (3), particularly in rural settings (4), so OPC and OPHD worked together to develop a list of health conditions of interest, including some that would warrant both an ED visit and a call to OPC (e.g., snake bites). Monitoring visits in both data sources in would allow for assessment of total burden on the healthcare system, especially in the case of snake bites where only specific bites require administration of anti-venom. Methods Ahead of the planned mass gatherings, OPHD Health Intelligence and OPC compiled a list of expected risks from the literature (4,5) and input from members of the IMT including the Public Information Officer, who monitored media for stories about health. Priority health conditions presented a clear risk to public health (e.g., limited supply of snake anti-venom warranted surveillance of snake bites) or were the subject of substantial media coverage. Query development focused on risks that had specific, well-defined health effects and that would be captured by syndromic ED and OPC data. During an enhanced surveillance period (8/18-8/24), OPHD Health Intelligence reviewed and interpreted trends in common queries with OPC and disseminated a daily statewide surveillance report. Results OPHD and OPC created four new queries for both ED and OPC data streams: snake bites, psychedelic mushrooms, 2 nd and 3 rd degree body burns and eye-related calls and visits. ED queries used chief complaint, discharge diagnosis, or triage note. OPC queries used generic code, therapy and clinical effect. From 8/18-8/22, OPHD Health Intelligence distributed daily surveillance reports to the OPHD IMT and external partners. An increased in eye-related injuries was identified on the day after the eclipse, prompting OPHD Health Intelligence to consult with OPC. ED surveillance data indicated that the increase in eye-related visits was likely a seasonal trend. OPC staff reviewed the charts of patient calls captured by the query and concluded the calls were not related to retinal issues from looking at the sun. No other trends were noted in the joint OPHD/OPC queries. Conclusions OPHD Health Intelligence piloted four new queries for surveillance during this mass gathering event and exercised the process for disseminating trend information from OPC and ED data. The eclipse event was fairly quiet and very few trends of note were captured by surveillance. Prior to this event, OPC data had not been a part of the Health Intelligence surveillance plan. However, assessing trends in OPC data provides an opportunity to better understand trends seen in ED data (e.g., whether or not a surge in ED visits for snake bites is accompanied by a surge in OPC calls for anti-venom is meaningful). By building a process to review disparate data in tandem, OPHD and OPC strengthened regional surveillance for this event. Applicable queries will continue to be used for planned event surveillance and several additional queries are currently under development.
机译:Objecive在俄勒冈州举行的2017年大日食集会之前确定紧急部门(ED)和俄勒冈毒物中心(OPC)数据的监视优先级,并创建一组查询以供俄勒冈州公共卫生部(OPHD)的健康情报部门使用)事件管理小组(IMT)。简介俄勒冈州的全州症状监测系统(Oregon ESSENCE)自2012年开始运行。非联邦急诊部门数据(及其几个​​相关的紧急护理中心)是该系统的主要来源,尽管已添加了其他数据源,包括在2016年从OPC识别的呼叫数据(1)。 OPHD的流行病学家具有监测群众聚集的经验(2),并且与OPC有密切的关系,并定期进行例行和加强公共卫生监测。尽管如此,由于计划在日食期间同时进行的107次全州日食观看活动(2017年8月)同时进行的全州日食观看活动(一些人估计参加人数超过30,000人,大部分在农村或边疆地区)的监视仍然是一项挑战州的区域)。在发达国家(3),尤其是在农村地区(4),科学文献仅限于群众聚集监视,因此OPC和OPHD共同制定了感兴趣的健康状况清单,其中包括一些需要进行急诊就诊和致电OPC(例如被蛇咬伤)。监视两个数据源中的访问将允许评估医疗保健系统的总负担,尤其是在仅特定咬伤需要施用抗毒剂的蛇咬伤情况下。方法在计划的群众聚会之前,OPHD健康情报和OPC从文献(4,5)和IMT成员(包括新闻官员)的输入中汇总了预期的风险清单,后者负责监视媒体中有关健康的故事。优先卫生状况对公共卫生构成了明显的风险(例如,蛇毒抗蛇毒供应有限,需要对蛇咬伤进行监视),或者成为大量媒体报道的对象。查询开发的重点是具有特定的,明确定义的健康影响的风险,这些风险将由综合症ED和OPC数据捕获。在加强的监视期内(8 / 18-8 / 24),OPHD Health Intelligence与OPC共同审查并解释了常见查询的趋势,并发布了全州范围的每日监视报告。结果OPHD和OPC为ED和OPC数据流创建了四个新查询:蛇咬伤,迷幻蘑菇,二度和三度身体烧伤以及与眼睛相关的呼叫和拜访。急诊室查询使用主要投诉,出院诊断或分诊记录。 OPC查询使用通用代码,疗法和临床效果。从8 / 18-8 / 22起,OPHD Health Intelligence向OPHD IMT和外部合作伙伴分发了每日监控报告。食后第二天发现与眼睛有关的伤害增加,促使OPHD Health Intelligence向OPC咨询。 ED的监测数据表明,眼科相关访视的增加可能是一个季节性趋势。 OPC工作人员查看了查询所捕获的患者电话图表,并得出结论,这些电话与阳光直视与视网膜问题无关。在OPHD / OPC联合查询中没有发现其他趋势。结论OPHD Health Intelligence在这次群众聚会中试用了四个新的监视查询,并行使了从OPC和ED数据传播趋势信息的过程。蚀事件相当安静,监视几乎没有注意到音调趋势。在此事件之前,OPC数据尚未纳入健康情报监视计划。但是,评估OPC数据的趋势提供了一个机会,以更好地了解ED数据中看到的趋势(例如,ED蛇咬伤的急诊就诊是否伴随着OPC要求抗毒剂激增的发生是有意义的)。通过建立一个同时审查不同数据的流程,OPHD和OPC加强了对该事件的区域监视。适用的查询将继续用于计划的事件监视,并且当前正在开发其他几个查询。



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