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From satellite altimetry to Argo and operational oceanography: three revolutions in oceanography




The launch of the French/US mission Topex/Poseidon (T/P) (CNES/NASA) in August 1992 was the start of a revolution in oceanography. For the first time, a very precise altimeter system optimized for large-scale sea level and ocean circulation observations was flying. T/P alone could not observe the mesoscale circulation. In the 1990s, the ESA satellites ERS-1/2 were flying simultaneously with T/P. Together with my CLS colleagues, we demonstrated that we could use T/P as a reference mission for ERS-1/2 and bring the ERS-1/2 data to an accuracy level comparable to T/P. Near-real-time high-resolution global sea level anomaly maps were then derived. These maps have been operationally produced as part of the SSALTO/DUACS system for the last 15 yr. They are now widely used by the oceanographic community and have contributed to a much better understanding and recognition of the role and importance of mesoscale dynamics. Altimetry needs to be complemented with global in situ observations. At the end of the 90s, a major international initiative was launched to develop Argo, the global array of profiling floats. This has been an outstanding success. Argo floats now provide the most important in situ observations to monitor and understand the role of the ocean on the earth climate and for operational oceanography. This is a second revolution in oceanography. The unique capability of satellite altimetry to observe the global ocean in near-real-time at high resolution and the development of Argo were essential for the development of global operational oceanography, the third revolution in oceanography. The Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GODAE) was instrumental in the development of the required capabilities. This paper provides an historical perspective on the development of these three revolutions in oceanography which are very much interlinked. This is not an exhaustive review and I will mainly focus on the contributions we made together with many colleagues and friends.
机译:1992年8月,法国/美国任务Topex / Poseidon(T / P)(CNES / NASA)的发射是海洋学革命的开始。为大规模海平面和海洋环流观测而优化的非常精确的高度计系统首次在飞行。仅T / P无法观察到中尺度循环。在1990年代,ESA卫星ERS-1 / 2与T / P同时飞行。我们与CLS同事一起证明了我们可以将T / P用作ERS-1 / 2的参考任务,并将ERS-1 / 2数据的准确性提高到与T / P相当的水平。然后,得出了近实时的高分辨率全球海平面异常图。在过去的15年中,这些地图已作为SSALTO / DUACS系统的一部分进行了操作。它们现在已被海洋学界广泛使用,并有助于更好地理解和认识中尺度动力学的作用和重要性。高程需要补充全球原位观测。在90年代末,发起了一项重大的国际倡议,以开发Argo(全球性的仿形浮标阵列)。这是一个了不起的成功。 Argo浮标现在提供最重要的原位观测,以监视和了解海洋在地球气候中的作用以及对海洋学的作用。这是海洋学的第二次革命。卫星测高仪以近乎实时的高分辨率观测全球海洋的独特能力以及Argo的发展对于全球业务海洋学的发展至关重要,这是海洋学的第三次革命。全球海洋数据同化实验(GODAE)在所需能力的开发中发挥了作用。本文提供了关于这三个相互联系的海洋学革命的发展的历史观点。这不是详尽的评论,我将主要关注我们与许多同事和朋友一起做出的贡献。



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