首页> 外文期刊>Revista de Biología Tropical >What can two years of monitoring tell us about Venezuelan coral reefs? The Southern Tropical America node of the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (STA-GCRMN)

What can two years of monitoring tell us about Venezuelan coral reefs? The Southern Tropical America node of the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (STA-GCRMN)




In spite of their economic importance, coral reef communities of the world are rapidly decreasing, and an adequate management planification is needed. The benthic and fish communities of Dos Mosquises Sur and Madrizquí at Los Roques National Park, and Caiman and Cayo Norte at Morrocoy National Park, in Venezuela were monitored during 2003 and 2004. The CARICOMP method was used to describe the benthic community, and the AGRRA protocol was applied to the fish community assessment. The benthic cover of five broad living categories (i.e. corals, algae, sponge and octocorals) differed across the sites (Nested ANOVA, p
机译:尽管具有重要的经济意义,但世界上的珊瑚礁群落正在迅速减少,需要适当的管理计划。在2003年至2004年期间,对委内瑞拉洛斯罗克斯国家公园的Dos Mosquises Sur和Madrizquí底栖生物和鱼类种群以及委内瑞拉莫罗科伊国家公园的Caiman和Cayo Norte的底栖生物和鱼类群落进行了监测。使用CARICOMP方法描述了底栖生物群落和AGRRA该方案被应用于鱼类群落评估。五个不同的生活类别(即珊瑚,藻类,海绵和八面体)的底栖生物覆盖度在不同地点有所不同(Nested ANOVA,p



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