首页> 外文期刊>Royal Society Open Science >Big city Bombus: using natural history and land-use history to find significant environmental drivers in bumble-bee declines in urban development

Big city Bombus: using natural history and land-use history to find significant environmental drivers in bumble-bee declines in urban development




Native bee populations are critical sources of pollination. Unfortunately, native bees are declining in abundance and diversity. Much of this decline comes from human land-use change. While the effects of large-scale agriculture on native bees are relatively well understood, the effects of urban development are less clear. Understanding urbanity's effect on native bees requires consideration of specific characteristics of both particular bee species and their urban landscape. We surveyed bumble-bee ( Bombus spp.) abundance and diversity in gardens across multiple urban centres in southeastern Michigan. There are significant declines in Bombus abundance and diversity associated with urban development when measured on scales in-line with Bombus flight ability. These declines are entirely driven by declines in females; males showed no response to urbanization. We hypothesize that this is owing to differing foraging strategies between the sexes, and it suggests reduced Bombus colony density in more urban areas. While urbanity reduced Bombus prevalence, results in Detroit imply that ‘shrinking cities’ potentially offer unique urban paradigms that must be considered when studying wild bee ecology. Results show previously unidentified differences in the effects of urbanity on female and male bumble-bee populations and suggest that urban landscapes can be managed to support native bee conservation.
机译:本地蜜蜂种群是授粉的关键来源。不幸的是,本地蜜蜂的数量和多样性正在下降。这种下降的很大一部分来自人类土地用途的变化。尽管相对广泛地了解了大规模农业对本地蜜蜂的影响,但城市发展的影响尚不清楚。要了解都市性对本地蜜蜂的影响,需要考虑特定蜜蜂物种及其城市景观的特定特征。我们调查了密歇根州东南部多个城市中心的花园中的大黄蜂(Bombus spp。)的丰度和多样性。如果按与Bombus飞行能力相符的尺度进行测量,则与城市发展相关的Bombus丰度和多样性将显着下降。这些下降完全是由女性下降造成的;男性对城市化没有反应。我们假设这是由于两性之间的觅食策略不同,这表明在更多的城市地区,熊熊菌落的密度降低了。尽管城市化程度降低了Bombus流行率,但底特律的研究结果表明,“萎缩的城市”可能会提供独特的城市范式,在研究野生蜂生态学时必须考虑这些范式。结果表明,以前城市地区对雌性和雄性大黄蜂种群的影响尚未确定,并表明可以管理城市景观以支持本地养蜂。



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