首页> 外文期刊>Kurume Medical Journal >A Case Report of Successful Coronary Revascularization in a Patient with Severe Angina Pectoris and Hypothyroidism

A Case Report of Successful Coronary Revascularization in a Patient with Severe Angina Pectoris and Hypothyroidism




We present a case history of a patient with angina of effort associated with hypothyroidism on whom was performed successfully an aortocoronary bypass operation. A 59-year old man was admitted because of dull retrosternal chest pain. Examination of thyroid function demonstrated hypofunction of thyroid gland; EMR, -30 % ; T3<10 ng/dl ; T4<1 μg/dl; and TSH, 306 μU/ml. Electrocardiogram examined after an exercise tolerance test showed ischemic depression of ST segment in leads I, ll, aVL and V 4-6. Coronary angiogram showed 90 % stenosis in the main trunk of left coronary artery and proximal regions of the left anterior descending branch and circumflex branch. Left ventriculogram showed reduced wall motion of the anterolateral segment; however, neither akinesis nor dyskinesis was seen. Effort angina with hypothyroidism was diagnosed and aorto-coronary bypass operation was recommended. 76 days after commencement of treatment for thyroid hormone deficiency, aorto-coronary bypass grafts were placed on both the anterior descending branch and circumflex branch using major saphenous vein. After the operation, 50μg dailly of L-thyroxine was given intravenously and from the first postoperative day, 75μg daily of thyroxine was given orally. There was no onset of perioperative myocardial infarction and no angina episodes after operation. Postoperative course was uneventful.
机译:我们介绍了一个成功完成了主动脉冠状动脉搭桥手术的伴有甲状腺功能减退的心绞痛患者的病史。一名59岁的男子因胸骨后胸骨钝痛而入院。甲状腺功能检查显示甲状腺功能低下; EMR,-30 %; T3 <10 ng / dl; T4 <1微克/分升;和TSH,306μU/ ml。运动耐力测试后检查的心电图显示I,II,aVL和V 4-6导联ST段缺血性降低。冠状动脉造影显示左冠状动脉主干和左前降支和回旋支的近端狭窄90%。左心室图显示前外侧节段的壁运动减少;然而,运动和运动障碍均未见。诊断出努力型心绞痛伴甲状腺功能减退,建议进行主动脉冠状动脉搭桥术。甲状腺激素缺乏症治疗开始后76天,使用大隐静脉在前降支和回旋支上放置主动脉冠状动脉搭桥术。手术后,静脉注射每日50μg的L-甲状腺素,从术后第一天开始每天口服75μg的甲状腺素。围手术期无心肌梗塞发作,术后无心绞痛发作。术后过程平稳。



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