首页> 外文期刊>Revista Odonto Ciencia >Cross-cultural adaptation to Portuguese of the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders for adolescents: A semantic evaluation

Cross-cultural adaptation to Portuguese of the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders for adolescents: A semantic evaluation




Purpose: To describe the process of cross-cultural adaptation and present the Portuguese version of the instrument Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) for use in adolescents. Methods: The RDC/TMD adapted for adolescents was fully translated into Portuguese by a translator and then back translated into English by a second translator who was blind to the original text. The back translation was compared with the original by the author and the final version defined by consensus. Part I of the instrument was administered to 186 students aged 12 to 17 years in the town of Três Rios/Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, to assess comprehensibility. Results: One question was considered inaccurate in the back translation. The young respondents struggled with five of other questions. The original version of the instrument in English and the final version in Portuguese were presented. Conclusion: The process of translation and back translation ensured the semantic equivalence of the original version relative to the translated version. The application of the questionnaire met wide acceptance and contributed to the final version of the instrument.?
机译:目的:描述跨文化适应的过程,并介绍葡萄牙语版本的青少年颞下颌疾病研究诊断标准(RDC / TMD)。方法:适用于青少年的RDC / TMD由翻译完全翻译成葡萄牙语,然后由不了解原始文本的第二翻译翻译回英语。将回译与作者的原始翻译和由共识定义的最终版本进行比较。该工具的第一部分是在巴西的特雷里奥斯/里约热内卢州的186名12至17岁的学生中进行的,以评估其可理解性。结果:一个问题被认为是不正确的。年轻的受访者在其他五个问题中苦苦挣扎。介绍了该仪器的英文原版和葡萄牙文最终版。结论:翻译和反向翻译的过程确保了原始版本相对于翻译版本的语义等效。问卷的应用得到了广泛的接受,并为文书的最终版本做出了贡献。



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