首页> 外文期刊>Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de So Paulo >Dengue epidemic in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: virological and epidemiological aspects

Dengue epidemic in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: virological and epidemiological aspects




Laboratorial studies were carried out on 3178 patients with signs and symptoms suggestive of dengue infection from April 1986 to December 1987 in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The epidemic had two peaks following the first virus isolation and affected the inhabitants of 17 counties. Both sex and all age groups were affected. Dengue virus type 1 was isolated from 1039 sera and the number of confirmed cases was increased to 1874 (59%) by MAC-ELISA. Isolation rate confirmed cases reached 80% in the specimens obtained until the 4th day after the onset of disease and viraemia ranged from 10 3.0 to 10(8.5) TCID50/ml.
机译:1986年4月至1987年12月,在巴西里约热内卢州对3178例有登革热感染迹象和症状的患者进行了实验室研究。首次分离病毒后,该流行病出现了两个高峰,并影响了17个县的居民。性别和所有年龄段均受到影响。从1039血清中分离出1型登革热病毒,通过MAC-ELISA确诊病例增加到1874(59%)。直到疾病发作后第4天,所获得的标本中分离出的确诊病例达到80%,病毒血症的TCID50 / ml为10 3.0至10(8.5)。



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