首页> 外文期刊>Rare tumors >Colorectal carcinomas in Uyo City, Southern geopolitical zone of Nigeria: a review of clinicopathological characteristics and literature

Colorectal carcinomas in Uyo City, Southern geopolitical zone of Nigeria: a review of clinicopathological characteristics and literature




Colorectal carcinomas (CRC) were initially thought to be rare in Africa including Nigeria, but recent studies have shown a reverse trend in our environment. This study is aimed to identify the clinical and pathological characteristics of CRC diagnosed between July 2006 and June 2015 in the University of Uyo Teaching Hospital, and a Private Specialist Laboratory, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. All histological diagnosed cases of CRC seen in the two laboratories (University teaching and a private facility) in Uyo, Akwa-Ibom state, Nigeria during the study period were retrieved noting their bio-data, pathological and clinical variables. A total of 45 patients of age range 26-80 years with a mean of 55.9 years (SD 3.9) and a male to female ratio of 1.4:1 were seen. The two most common age groups affected in CRCs were 61-70 years (28.9%) and 51-60 years (24.4%) respectively. Majority of CRC patients were older than 40 years (86.7%) with identifiable predisposing factors being tubulo-villous adenoma (4 cases, 8.8%), villous adenoma (2 cases 4.4%), polyposis syndromes (2 cases, 4.4%) and schistosomiasis (1 case, 2.2%). Features of large intestinal obstruction were the most common presenting symptom of CRC (53.3%). Rectal bleeding, alteration in bowel habit and fecal incontinence were other symptoms, accounting for 33.3%, 8.9% and 4.4% of cases respectively. Left-sided CRCs were commoner (68.9%) with the majority appearing as annular-constricting type macroscopically (60.0%). Recto-sigmoid region was the preponderant site involved in CRC (29 cases, 64.5%). Adenocarcinoma (84.4%) was the most frequent histological subtype. Mucinous carcinoma, signet ring carcinoma and carcinoid tumor were other histologic subtypes seen in 8.9, 4.4 and 2.2% of cases respectively. The 22.0% of CRC patients presented at advanced stages of the disease. It can be concluded that majority of CRC patients were older than 40 years (86.7%) with features of intestinal obstruction (53.3%) and adenocarcinoma (84.4%) being the predominant mode of clinical presentation and histological subtype respectively.
机译:最初认为大肠癌(CRC)在包括尼日利亚在内的非洲很少见,但最近的研究表明我们环境的逆转趋势。本研究旨在确定2006年7月至2015年6月在乌约大学教学医院和尼日利亚阿克瓦伊博姆州乌约的私人专科实验室诊断出的CRC的临床和病理特征。在研究期间,在尼日利亚阿克瓦伊博姆州乌约的两个实验室(大学教学室和一家私人机构)中发现的所有经组织学诊断的CRC病例均应注意其生物学数据,病理学和临床变量,并进行检索。总共观察到45位年龄在26-80岁之间的患者,平均年龄为55.9岁(SD 3.9),男女比例为1.4:1。受CRC影响的两个最常见年龄组分别为61-70岁(28.9%)和51-60岁(24.4%)。多数CRC患者年龄超过40岁(86.7%),明显的诱发因素为小管绒毛状腺瘤(4例,8.8%),绒毛状腺瘤(2例,占4.4%),息肉综合征(2例,占4.4%)和血吸虫病(1例,2.2%)。大肠梗阻的特征是CRC最常见的表现症状(53.3%)。其他症状是直肠出血,大便习惯改变和大便失禁,分别占病例的33.3%,8.9%和4.4%。左侧CRC较常见(68.9%),宏观上多数呈环状收缩型(60.0%)。乙状结肠区域是CRC的主要部位(29例,占64.5%)。腺癌(84.4%)是最常见的组织学亚型。黏液癌,印戒癌和类癌是分别在8.9%,4.4%和2.2%的病例中发现的其他组织学亚型。 22.0%的CRC患者出现在疾病的晚期。可以得出结论,大多数CRC患者年龄大于40岁(86.7%),主要表现为肠梗阻(53.3%)和腺癌(84.4%),分别是临床表现和组织学亚型。



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