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Tríade terrível do cotovelo: a influência do tratamento da cabe?a do rádio




ResumoObjetivo testar a hipótese nula de que os pacientes com a tríade terrível do cotovelo (luxa??o associada a fraturas da cabe?a do rádio e do processo coronoide) tratados com redu??o aberta e fixa??o interna da cabe?a do rádio têm resultado final comparável aos pacientes tratados com artroplastia ou ressec??o parcial da cabe?a do rádio. Métodos foram avaliados, em média aos 23 meses (16 a 36) após a cirurgia, 26 pacientes com a tríade terrível do cotovelo operados por um único cirurgi?o. Eram 17 homens e nove mulheres, com média de idade de 41 anos (± 13,4). As fraturas da cabe?a do rádio foram tratadas com osteossíntese (12 pacientes), ou artroplastia (nove), ou ressec??o de um fragmento pequeno ou nenhum tratamento (cinco). Fixa??o do processo coronoide/cápsula anterior foi feita em 21 pacientes. O complexo ligamentar lateral (LCL) foi reparado em todos os pacientes, enquanto que o complexo ligamentar medial (LCM) foi reparado em três pacientes cujos cotovelos persistiam instáveis após o tratamento da cabe?a do rádio e do LCL, mas sem fixa??o do processo coronoide. Resultados o arco final médio de flex?o e extens?o foi de 112°. A prona??o média foi de 70° e a supina??o, de 6°. O escore Dash (Disabilities of Arm, Shoulder & Hand) médio foi de 12 e o Mepi (Mayo Elbow Performance Index) médio foi de 87. De acordo com o Mepi, 21 pacientes (80%) tiveram bons e excelentes resultados. N?o houve diferen?a estatisticamente significativa entre os resultados dos pacientes submetidos a fixa??o da cabe?a do rádio e aqueles submetidos a artroplastia ou ressec??o de um fragmento pequeno. Conclus?o n?o há diferen?a entre os pacientes tratados com a artroplastia da cabe?a do rádio daqueles tratados com outras técnicas. AbstractObjective to test the null hypothesis that patients with the terrible triad of the elbow (dislocation together with fractures of the radial head and coronoid process) who are treated with open reduction and internal fixation of the radial head have final results that are comparable with those of patients treated with arthroplasty or partial resection of the radial head. Methods twenty‐six patients with the terrible triad of the elbow who were operated by a single surgeon were evaluated on average 23 months after the surgery (range: 16 to 36 months). There were 17 men and nine women of mean age 41 ± 13.4 years. The fractures of the radial head were treated by means of osteosynthesis (12 patients), arthroplasty (nine) or resection of a small fragment or no treatment (five). Fixation of the coronoid process/anterior capsule was performed in 21 patients. The lateral ligament complex (LLC) was repaired in all the patients, while the medial ligament complex (MLC) was repaired in three patients whose elbows remained unstable after treatment for the radial head and LLC, but without fixation of the coronoid process. Results the mean final range of flexion and extension was 112°. The mean pronation was 70° and supination, 6°. The mean {DASH} score (Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder & Hand) was 12 and mean {MEPI} (Mayo Elbow Performance Index) was 87. According to the {MEPI} scores, 21 patients (80%) had good and excellent results. There was no statistically significant difference in the results between the patients who underwent fixation of the radial head and those who underwent arthroplasty or resection of a small fragment. Conclusion there was no difference between the patients treated with arthroplasty of the radial head and those treated with other techniques.
机译:摘要目的检验零假设,对可怕的肘部三联征(与radial骨头骨折和冠状突骨折相关的脱位)患者进行开放复位和头颅内固定治疗的无效假设吗? the骨的最终结果与接受关节置换或partial骨头部分切除的患者相当。手术后平均23个月(16至36个月)对方法进行了评估,其中26例患者由一位外科医生进行了可怕的肘部三联症治疗。男17例,女9例,平均年龄41岁(±13.4)。 osteo骨头骨折采用骨固定术(12例)或关节置换术(9例),或切除小碎片或不予治疗(5例)。 21例患者进行了前冠状动脉/胶囊固定。所有患者均修复了外侧韧带复合体(LCL),而对3例患者进行了内侧韧带复合体(LCM)修复,这些患者的treatment肘和LCL治疗后肘部仍不稳定,但未进行固定。冠状突的过程。结果平均最终弯曲和延伸弧为112°。平均俯卧位为70°,仰卧位为6°。 Dash(手臂,肩膀和手部残疾)的平均得分为12,Mepi(梅奥肘性能指数)的平均得分为87。据Mepi称,有21例(80%)患者取得了良好而优异的结果。进行head骨头固定和人工关节置换或小片段切除的患者的结果之间无统计学差异。结论radial骨头置换术患者与其他技术患者之间没有差异。摘要目的检验无效假说,即采用开放复位和internal骨头内固定治疗的肘部可怕三联征(脱位并伴有head骨头骨折和冠状突)的最终结果与以下结果相近:关节置换术或the骨头部分切除术治疗的患者。方法对平均由术后16个月(平均16个月至36个月)手术的26位肘关节三联症患者进行评估。平均年龄为41±13.4岁的17位男性和9位女性。 of骨头骨折的治疗方法为:植骨(12例),关节置换术(9例)或切除小碎片或不予治疗(5例)。 21例患者进行了冠突突/前囊固定。在所有患者中,外侧韧带复合物(LLC)均得到修复,而在three骨头和LLC治疗后肘部仍不稳定但未固定冠突的三例患者中,内侧韧带复合物(MLC)被修复。结果屈曲和伸展的平均最终范围为112°。平均内旋为70°,旋后为6°。平均 {DASH }得分(手臂,肩膀和手部残障)为12,平均 {MEPI }(梅奥肘性能指数)为87。根据 {MEPI }得分,21例患者(80有很好的成绩。进行head骨头固定术的患者与进行关节成形术或小片段切除术的患者之间的结果在统计学上无显着差异。结论with骨头成形术治疗的患者与其他技术治疗的患者之间没有差异。



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