首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Oftalmologia >Evaluation of preoperative subconjunctival single application of mitomycin C in primary pterygium

Evaluation of preoperative subconjunctival single application of mitomycin C in primary pterygium




Pterygia are usually benign lesions that do not require specific treatment. It is a fibrovascular growth onto the nasal side of the cornea. It`s cause has not been fully elucidated yet, but seems to be related to long -term ultraviolet ray exposure. When symptoms are not controlled with conservative treatment surgery is considered, but the recurrence rate is still high, and efforts have been made to avoid it. Mitomycin C (MMC) is a fibroblast proliferation inhibitor that can be used as adjuvant to surgery to reduce recurrence. We report here a case that describes pterygium surgery performed in both eyes of the same patient, being one with MMC and the other eye without it. Both pterygium were sent to laboratory analysis. The results and proliferation index were compared between the eyes.



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