首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia >Estudio del impacto en la calidad del aire de las fuentes puntuales en la ciudad de pinar del Río

Estudio del impacto en la calidad del aire de las fuentes puntuales en la ciudad de pinar del Río

机译:Pinar delRío市对点源空气质量的影响研究



A study of the impact of stationary sources on air quality on the city of Pinar del Rio, Cuba, using the modeling system MM5-CALMET-CALPUFF was made. The dispersion of SO2, NOx, CO, PM10 and PM25 emitted from 21 sources during 15 days is simulated by the model. This period is representative of the rainy season in Cuba (Summer). The of SO42- and NO3- wet deposition was also simulated. It was observed that the highest concentrations occur in the morning and evening. These emissions affected some neighboring cities as Santa Maria and Vi?ales. The daily average concentration values of NOx and SO2 exceeded their maximum permissible concentrations according to the Cuban standards, the guideline values of the World Health Organization and the EPA standards. The southwest area of the city is the most affected one with the highest concentration level.
机译:使用建模系统MM5-CALMET-CALPUFF,对古巴Pinar del Rio市固定源对空气质量的影响进行了研究。该模型模拟了15天中21种排放源排放的SO2,NOx,CO,PM10和PM25的扩散。这个时期代表古巴(夏季)的雨季。还模拟了SO42和NO3-的湿沉降。观察到最高浓度发生在早晨和晚上。这些排放影响了一些邻近的城市,例如圣玛丽亚和维亚莱斯。根据古巴标准,世界卫生组织的准则值和EPA标准,NOx和SO2的每日平均浓度值超过了其最大允许浓度。该市的西南地区是受灾最严重的地区,集中度最高。



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